Chapter 18

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Julieanna woke up to an empty bed. Did he run away? She thought or maybe he got caught by the demons... She didn't know what to think so she put her night gown on and ran to go look for Skyler. She went outside and got so disoriented but she stayed focus on what she was searching for. She found him in the middle of the cemetery. Freaking out she ran to him even though she was all fuzzy but she wasn't going to be defeated.

Skyler looked up as soon as he heard someone running towards him. Jumping up he met julieanna half way and made sure to hold on to her. She was all over the place. She couldn't stay here with all of these souls and emotions flying freely. It's not something she's use to in such a large portion. He on the other hand was used to it.

Before he had fallen he was the same way. And when he became a fallen he was sick all the time. Couldn't focus or anything but he decided to get used to it fast.

He steadied her before speaking. "Are you okay? We need to get you home and away from all of this." he turned her around and started walking her back.

"I didn't know where you were... I... I didn't know if you were hurt or in trouble." she said out of breath and still dazed.

Skyler picked her up after she had stumbled a couple of feet. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry I wouldn't leave you." they made it back to the house but he didn't put her down until they reached the couch. He hurried to get her something to drink.

"Okay. We need to leave asap. Why didn't you wake me?" julieanna said as she took the water and the piece of chocolate he had gotten her to calm her nerves.

Skyler sat next to her. "We'll leave as soon as you feel better. I need to get the car."

"why don't we fly?" julieanna said.

"you know we can't just go out like that." skyler said going to prepare to leave.

About an hour later they were on their way back to be with her family of the angels. "When we get there we might want to slowly invite me in." skyler said to julieanna nervous about actually being around angels without trying to be an enemy.

Julieanna grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "It'll be fine. I won't let them hurt you. Or take you away from me."

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