Chapter 5

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"julieanna?" she heard her name and tried opening her eyes but all she saw was blur. Nothing was clear. She'd never heard this voice before until all her senses came into focus. She remembered this man looking at her with huge dark eyes the color of coal. They were full of concern. She could only think about how gorgeous those eyes were and how wonderfully deep his voice was. He was all mesmerizing.

  He was leaning over her sure to give her enough room to breathe. Julieanna could only stare up at skyler. He raised his hand up almost touching her face. There was electricty running between their skin. It sent chills all throughout julieanna's body.

  Skyler finally let his hand graze gentlely over her blushed cheek. She was so beautiful. He just wanted to run his fingers through her meraculous red hair. Dark but not quite auburn. It wasn't always a flaming red but yet sometimes it was more of a dark strawberry blonde. Beautiful. All he wanted was to kiss her full rosey lips.

  He didn't even bother trying. He should be hangged for eternity and tortured for even looking at her. Touching her he didn't want to think about what punishment that would bring. He needs to step away. He wished he never laid eyes on this breath takingly gorgeous angel because now he would rather be blind forever than for him to never see her again.

  Julieanna's perfectly sculpted face would be forever sketched in his mind. He'd seen many angels before but none as perfect as him and even he had been an angel.

  He, in this one moment, wished he had never fallen. Then he wouldn't have to leave her. They wouldn't be enemies but friends and one of the same. But because of a mistake that he was reminded of everyday for had changed his entire existence. They were too different. Two different creatures.

  "where are we?" julianna asked skyler. He could have melted by the sound of her voice. She was so fragile and even her voice was like the most graceful instrument being strummed for the Father.

  She was all around the most worldly and pure thing he'd ever had in his presence. He would always treasure this moment and the moment of her in his arms. She was as light as a feather.

  "we are safe." skyler replied. Not necessarily the answer she was looking for. She would ask again. More curt. She wasn't afraid. Not of him or anyone else.

  "I'll ask again...where are we? Where would safe be?" she asked with a little more power behind her words.

  Skyler had removed his hand from her cheek. She sat up in the bed she was laying in. Something she didn't realize before was that the sheets smelt just like skyler. She was in his bed. The thought almost made her angry. But she stayed calm and took a deep breath and calmed down with his scent still stinging her nose. It was so manly and warm. Something that made her want to curl up with him and lay here forever. In perfect peace and harmony. But she knew that it was impossible.

  Skyler gave her a drawl look. "We are safe inside my personal domain."

  He saw the look on her face as she closed her eyes to inhale the sweet skyler scent. All man. And something else that seemed to be all his own. He knew what she'd been doing because he'd been doing the same thing. He wanted to bury his face in the nape of her neck and hold her. Protect her from anything harmful.

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