Chapter 11; part 2

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"I'm sorry..." julieanna said to skyler. "I was out of line. I hope you can forgive me." she kept her eyes on her feet not willing to look skyler in the eyes.

Skyler was upset about the situation. She was mean and could be ignorant. He felt like he should be so heartless and let the demons have her. He wouldn't ever dream of hurting another angel. But she was bipolar, indicisive, and stubborn. Everything to make him angry and make his patience snap like a little stepped on twig.

He took about three steps towards her and was only inches away. He felt angry but once he breathed in that sweet scent of brown sugar and vanila everything that had him upset went away. Everything was washed away by her presence. He should have just left her there to feel bad but in that moment of seeing her defeated broke his heart. She lost to herself and he knew that feeling of failure. He would never wish that apon anyone.

"look at me julieanna." he said as he brought his hand up to lift her chin so she'd no other choice than to look into his eyes. "I forgive you. I understand what you're feeling. You're all confused, me too."

When he looked into those eyes he wanted to kiss her and hold her until the universe ended. He felt her sorrow. Skyler had the same gifts as julieanna but she had never told anyone just like him. Julieanna had been extremely careful.

if they didn't share those gifts he wouldn't have ever known. His parents didn't even know about his abilities. He didn't know how the angels would take that kind of news. It wasn't unheard of but as far as he knew only fallen angels have those abilities. It wasn't that they got them when they were exiled but they were born that way. Skyler believes that's what helped them think they could have more power.

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