Chapter 23

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Julieanna went up to her room after lunch and started writing inside her journal. Sometimes she'd write diary entries and sometimes she pick back up on her poems and she had another journal for her book that she was writing. But for right now those were on hold. She couldn't focus on anything but what Skyler told her this morning in the garden.

She didn't want him to leave. She didn't feel it was the right thing for him to do. She thought it was best to fight for what you want and believe but she knew that war wasn't the answer. She had these thoughts going through her head all day. She wanted Skyler to stay and fight to be with her.

Julieanna started her diary entry...



Skyler wants to leave. He's afraid the demons will catch up with us and hurt my family. He thinks turning himself in will keep them away from here. I'm not so sure that it'll keep them from coming after the angels. I have a bad feeling about all of this. Skyler has a good heart and thinks he's doing the right thing. He's also couragous. I love skyler and want to help him. I believe we can all finish this together. Skyler will die alone if he doesn't stay. If he stays maybe he won't have to be hurt but if he dies we all die with him.


Julieanna started to feel Ill so she shut her journal put it away in her desk and went to lay on her bed. Before she could even think about shutting her eyes she was fast asleep.


"It's a curse Julieanna..." Julieanna jumped about ten feet off the ground when she heard the deep raspy voice from behind her. She hadn't heard anyone or even sensed anyone's presence.

The Angelic DemonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora