Chapter 15

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Julieanna was still trapped but she felt a new presence. The demons were down for a few seconds. When she opened her eyes again she could see everything clearly and what she saw first was what she had expected, all the demons on the ground.

Skyler ran towards her and tried to release her from the golden net. She stood up and gave him a thankful look before they turned to fight the demons now surrounding them on their feet.

Out number and definitely not the strongest. Skyler seemed to be able to hol his own but that was with them destracted. "you think we can handle this?" julieanna asked skyler as they stood back to back to one another.

Skyler to looked at her no real expression on his face. "don't underestimate yourself or a fallen angel. I'm stronger because I wasn't born into this status."

Julieanna just seemed to except that for what it was. They may be strong but it was only them two again about eight demons with golden nets and daggers.

"There's no where for you two to turn. And you skyler should have stayed where you were cause you just walked into your death. Saving the angel twice in one day against the ones that you called family. You betrayed us so we must return the favor." the head demon said standing toe to toe with skyler. Neither one shank but seemed to challenge one another.

The demon pulled a dagger out from behind him swingging it right for skyler's stomach but skyler grabbed his hand before it impaled his skin. Julieanna say his moving with a grace she wished she had. He was truely an angel.

Skyler got the grip on the blade and sliced the demons throat and the other charged. Julieanna prepared to fight. She was a worrior on God. Her and her brother and her sisters would spare from time to time to keep up incase of a war. Which seemed to have started right in that moment.

She grabbed the necklace from around her neck and called for her blade. A silver reverse blade grew to a full size and she battle off the demons leaving it to skyler to get rid of them. She wasn't one for killing. Unless necessary. In this case her life wasn't in too much threat.

She was such a well trained worrior, skyler thought to himself as he watched her fluent movement with blade in her hands. She almost danced with it. He could appreciate a fighter which she obviously was.

He noticed one demon going for julieanna's back with one fighter her front. He ran to her but before he could warn her she flipped around and took the two demon out with one blow. All he could do was watch in awe with his jaw dropped.

That was all of the demons but not the last of them. There will more and soon no doubt. Julieanna retracted her blade and put the chain back around her neck.

"You're not so bad hot stuff." she winked at sjyler. She couldn't believe his reaction he had only seconds ago but now he was back to his usual self.

Skyler walked up to her and cupped her cheeks with both of his hands and pulled her lips to meet his. After the small soft kiss he pulled back. "So you think I'm hot?" she wrinkled her nose at him. Skyler pulled her into a hug. A very tight one at that. She could barely breathe. "by the way you are a marvelous fighter. It was very entertaining to watch."

"you're not so bad yourself." julieanna said. She really wanted to know what the plan was now that the demons knew their location.

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