"This can't be your friend's." Was all I could manage to say.

"Your thoughts feel funny. What's wrong?" Demi asked.

My eyes tore away from the satchel, "You've been hiding things from me."

"What?" Her face grew confused.

"Sure, I believe that you can actually read minds. It's obvious you can, and that's a Pokemon ability. That has some sort of scientific reason for being real. But this is really taking it too far." I waved my uncle's bag around, dangling it in front of her face, "You somehow made up an entire scenario to convince me that coincidences aren't just coincidences and that God is real. I'm sure you saw my uncle's bag in my head while leeching off my memories and got a copy of it made to look like it'd aged ten years since the last time I'd seen it. Clever, sure. But give it a rest. Stop playing with my head. I'm not a puppet and your emotional manipulation won't persuade me to go anywhere near your so-called God."

"But this is the first time-"

"That you've tried something this farfetched?" My voice rose, "I don't believe it."

Luxray growled at me and Demi put a hand on his side as if to hold him back, her eyes not leaving mine, "I'm really lost."

I gripped the strap harder, "You know what, so am I."

I took out all my Poke Balls and recalled my Pokemon silently, not sure how to take Salamence with me considering I didn't have a Psychic Pokemon of my own in my party. I placed a hand on his side, giving him a quick glance which meant, I'll be back for you. Entertain the manipulative child while I'm gone, will you?

He let out a small whine of displeasure. I looked at my uncle's satchel, the weight of it seeming too much to carry. Something that kept holding me back, that I'd been carrying all these years without realizing it.

"Keep it." I said, throwing it on the ground, "There's a reason I haven't seen it in ten years."

"But Paul-"

I started walking towards the hill, "This time, don't follow me."

"Hey, kiddo." My uncle messed up my hair and sat down next to me.

We were in his backyard and I was watching Electivire concentrating, but he couldn't see able to figure out how to do whatever was on his mind. I kind of felt the same way.

"Why can't I live with you all the time?" I asked, resting my chin on my knees.

Uncle Ben was quiet for a moment before he replied, "Well, I think your mother would miss you too much for that."

I turned my head as little as I could so he could see my sour expression.

"She does love you, you know."

"She has a lousy way of showing it." I grumbled, turning back to Electivire who seemed to be angrily bouncing up and down as if it would miraculously help him accomplish whatever it is he was doing.

"What happened?" Uncle Ben asked gently.

"She's going to Sunyshore City with Reggie. He has some sort of Championship sports thing. And after that she's taking him to look at Pokemon so he can start his journey. And buying him new clothes and everything." I clenched my teeth together, "Plus, in Sunyshore I hear that the Champion is supposed to be visiting while they're there. And he's going to get to meet them."

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