FAA - Chapter 16

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"For real!" I said and starred at the hickey displayed in my neck. "And it was made today. It's so fresh. It's like I bashed berries and placed it on my neck, and somehow it strained, refusing to come out. It's like it's refusing to come out." I rubbed the hickey over and over again.

"Oh my gosh, Keni. You guys made out and he gave it to you?"

"No." I chuckled. "He just... gave it to me."

"How romantic of him!" Mikayla exclaimed happily.

I rolled my eyes. "I know, right?"

"Louis normally gives them to me when we making love, not making out."

"Making... love? What's the difference? I mean, sex is still sex at the end of the day." I shrugged and sat on the toilet seat.

"Uh...no! Sex isn't just sex! There are two different kinds. One, making out. Now, this may be also called as effing, in case you don't swear. And this effing is rough, tough, full of lust, no emotions, just going out for it. You need it, and you don't waste time. You know? It's what we regularly do. Majority of the time when we making out... it just... happens."

I nodded. "Okay... and making love?"

"This is another story." Mikayla sighed. "It's in the name. Making 'love'. You guys unite. Share unity and loyalty. It's a connection between you and him. It's passionate, and carming, and caring... it's everything. You share it all to him, and he shares all of it to you. It's just you guys, holding each other, and whispering sweet and soft words that flatter your heart, or brighten his."

"I've never.. experienced that. Normally, Niall and I would just... do it. But we still love each other." I stated.

"Trust me, with the love you guys have for each other... you will soon experience it."

I smiled and sighed. "Thanks. And I hope I will."

"You totally will. Anyways... have to go. I need to get to Louis' house."

"Okay, if you see Niall, tell him to come home as soon as possible." I said.

"Will do. Love ya Keni! Bye."

"Love you too?" I giggled. "Bye." I hung up. I then stood up and walked to the mirror by the sink. I looked down at the hickey stained onto my neck. It was probably the size of a two dimensional strawberry.

I ran my finger over it and sighed. I walked out my bathroom and down towards the kitchen, to get myself something to eat, as I placed my phone onto the counter. I took out two slices of bread from it's loaf packet and paced it in the counter. I then took out the peanut butter jar and a butter knife. I spread some on my bread and placed the second slice on top of the first.

I quickly packed away the peanut butter and placed the knife in the sink, before getting out the orange juice. I poured some into a glass, which I got out of the cupboard.

As I took a bite of my sandwich, my phone vibrated repeatedly on the counter. I looked at it and picked it up. I slid my finger over the screen and placed my phone on my ear.


"Princess, I know it's around one right now, but you don't need to make supper. Louis and I decided to come over, with Mikayla, and buy take-outs." Niall's voice rang over the phone.

"Okay, I won't." I said. "And by the way, I think you over-did the hickey. It's so bright and visable."

Niall laughed for a while. "I never over did it. That's how it's supposed to be."

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