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No one's POV

"Ethan, take off my top. Grrr. Mmmmm. I'm so cold, Ethan my top can you put it back on me".

Lauren was in labour and her contractions were so fierce that one minute she was boiling hot and then the next she was freezing cold. The waves of her contraction went on for about an hour.

Her waters broke at 12.30am and she was told not to rush in because this would be her first vaginal labor. Her doctor hadn't even been called. Lauren strolled into the hospital at 1.30am.

When Lauren asked the nurses to check her they said there was no rush. Eventually they checked her at 2am and she was already 9.5 cm dilated.

"Why aren't you screaming?" One of the nurses asked.

"I told you it felt sore."

They looked at Lauren amazed she must have had a high pain threshold.

Lauren and Ethan already had a vivacious 20 month old daughter Mikayla. They'd dropped her off at her Nan's before coming into the hospital. But she was delivered by c section and this labour would be very different from Lauren's first.

No one could quite accept the fact that this baby wanted out right now.

"I better call the doctor he won't be happy." One of the nurses said grabbing the phone.

"He said to call him only after 6, this is just happening so quickly."

The doctor arrived within 20 minutes which gave him enough time to suit up and pull out Halle Olivia 6 pound 8, 51cm long.

She came at 3am on September 10, 2.5 weeks early and ready to take on the world.

Later that morning Lauren's first visitor was a very excited Mikayla. She wanted to see her baby sister. She loved her little baby sis. She thought she the besttest baby in the entire world.

The love that Ethan and Lauren shared was now embodied in their two little girls. Both of their daughters were so different, yet each of them were going to have traits of both Mum and Dad.

Lauren and Ethan's love survived against all odds. Ethan was now running a maintenance business and Lauren was still working in the corporate world. But things would soon change for their family. Life would soon be very different from how they envisaged it would be 10 years ago.

It was going to be for the better. No matter how much you plan and think you are in control, life has a way of changing things and forcing changes upon you. You can either let them go past or embrace them and take them on.

The Lane family was not shy of taking things on and making changes especially if it benefited the two most important members of their family, Mikayla and Halle.

Changes were on their way.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed The Players Happy Ever After.

I kind of left it open so maybe down the track I may venture into a spin off book called 'The Lane Family'.

If there are any characters in this book that you want to know more about or maybe they have their own spin off book, I'd love to hear from you.

Thank you again and don't forget to follow me and check out my other books.

Luv ya
Debs xox

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