Chapter 9 - Changes

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Picture of Lisa above

Ethan's POV

Fuck. That was the most fucked up date with the most amazing woman I've ever met. How the hell could it have turned so bad, so quickly. Fuck you Shelly. I was in my car at Uni just waiting for Lauren to leave the carpark safely.

After a few minutes a car pulled out I assumed it was her as the Uni carpark was almost empty and she was the only one who entered. Flashing my lights I wanted her to acknowledge my presence. She needed to be safe. I may have fucked up because of my past but things were going to change for the better. I drove off behind her until I reached my turn. I'd be home in a matter of minutes and wondered if Lisa would be there.

My phone beeped and I picked it up to read the screen:

Where the hell did u go? - Michael

Then another one:

Shelly said if your date doesn't work out she'll keep you warm tonight - Michael

Then there was another one:

I doubt you'll get laid tonight if you stay with her. Come back to the pub when you're done. The place is going off, plenty of fresh meat - Michael

Now the old me would be heading towards the pub wanting a taste of the sure thing. But I honestly felt sick thinking about that woman or any other touching me right now. Lauren's face, her body, hell even her smell, it still lingered in my car, and she hadn't left my thoughts. If I didn't get so shit faced drunk on Saturday none of this would have happened. Fuck I'm an idiot. I knew deep down that I wasn't good enough for Lauren, but I was just too selfish to let anyone else have her. I wanted her to be MINE.

Pulling up into my apartment block I opened the roller door to gain entrance. My mood was heavy then I noticed Lisa's car was parked in her spot. Fuck! At least I wasn't drunk, I shrugged. I decided to grow some balls and talk to her tonight, the timing couldn't be any better. Hopefully she was still up, she was generally a night owl.

Getting out of the car I headed towards the lift. Once it arrived I pressed the 10th floor. As I made my way to the front door I could hear voices inside our apartment. At this stage I wasn't sure if someone was inside with her or if she was on the phone. Then I heard a man's voice. I cautiously put my key into the door and opened it quietly. Obviously startling the two as they were looking a little too cosy over on the couch.

"Hey Ethan," Lisa yelled out startled, she jumped off the couch and headed my way. "This is Ronan, he's my business associate".

I walked over towards the man just stopping at his heels, he pushed himself up out of couch and we shook hands. "Good to meet you," he murmured.

"Same," was all I could muster.

"There's some left over Chinese in the containers on the bench if you're hungry. Where going to be at it for hours". She gave me no eye contact and was cold. Hmmm, I have a feeling there's something more happening between these two. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out 2 beers. I turned to Ronan and handed him one.

Grabbing it he returned a smile "thanks". I nodded and walked over to the balcony pulling out my phone once more. I quickly sent Lauren a text:

Text me back when you get home - Ethan

I finished my beer quickly and placed the empty bottle on the kitchen counter. I could feel the tension in the air. I turned my head once again in their direction as they busily worked on some computer code. I never involved myself with Lisa's work, the details only bored me. Don't get me wrong I was proud of what she did, it was impressive, but I had little interest in understanding it from a programmers point of view.

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