Chapter 11 - La Familia

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Family photo of The Contini's

Lauren's POV

Work was continuously busy which was good cause it made the time go by so much faster. I was nearly finished mopping the floors after closing when the phone rang.

"Good afternoon The Body Shop this is Lauren, how may I help you".

"You look so fucking sexy when you mop floors!". I instantly knew that voice. My gaze drifted to the outside of the shop. He was there, watching me, my cheeks instantly flushed from the embarrassment. "When we buy a house together, I'm going to make sure the floors are always dirty just so I can watch you wiggle that hot body of yours". He was purring into the phone, my body heat instantly rose by 10 degrees.

"Ethan?" I held his gaze from inside the shop, I could see his head go back as he let out a roaring laugh. He could see my embarrassment from where he was standing.

He was laughing, wow, he was so hot when he laughed. "I just wanted to see you in action, I got there a little too late, but you worked the floor with that mop amazingly, in fact, I can't wait to get my hands on you Baby".

I had goosebumps all over my body. "Give me 2 minutes and we can be out of here".

"Ok" he blew a kiss at me from the window as he peeked through. With that we both hung up.

Julie my Manager, Sophie a fellow worker and myself were all ready to leave. Julie was a real perv when it came to good looking men. It always made us giggle.

"Thank you God!" Julie was panting as she saw Ethan waiting patiently outside the shop. "My prayers have finally been answered. And who the hell owns that fine piece of a male specimen?" I think Julie was honestly salivating.

Sophie and I chuckled, "oh, he would be mine".

"Lauren, you've been holding out on us, tomorrow I want all the juicy details. That man is fine".

"If you behave, I'll introduce you to him".

"Please do!" Julie'e eyes were bulging. This was going to be interesting.

I unlocked the front door and the three of us headed out of the shop. I was quickly embraced by Ethans wanting hands. Julie was still locking the door so we waited.

"Ethan, I'd like you to meet Julie and Sophie".

He gave a handsome smile "An absolute pleasure Ladies".

Julie was totally blushing like a mad woman I was giggling along with Sophie. "So how long have you two been a thing?" She brazenly asked Ethan.

"Not long, but I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other". Ethan said flirtatiously.

"Oh, I hope so. I bet you'll be going next week then?" Julie was mesmerised. She didn't remove her eyes from his face.

"Well, I was going to ask him tonight Julie, glad you brought it up now". I rolled my eyes.

"If you mean your 21st Lauren, it's already in the diary, so all good Babe," with that he gave my temple a kiss. "I've even bought you a gift". He was shaking a brown recycled paper bag as he said it.

"Argh, so that's why you came early, to go shopping".

"Well partly, but I also wanted to see you in action. The centre is way bigger than I expected, I got a bit side tracked". He smirked.

Julie was still gawking, I pulled on Ethan's hand and said "come on babe let's go meet the family".

Julie had a twisted smirk now on her face "Good luck Ethan, The Contini's are somewhat a force to be reckoned with around these parts. I call them La Familia, you know like a mob family. Lauren has more family than I've eaten hot breakfasts".

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