Chapter 46 - Ethan what?

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Lauren's POV

My alarm sounded at 530am for me to wake. I felt so tired but I quickly hit it hard then checked over my shoulder finding Ethan. He'd only slightly stirred but then he collapsed back into a very peaceful slumber. He was totally knackered from the jet lag. I had my shower putting on baggy sweats, a t and some thongs, I'd placed my hair into a messy bun. I left him a note along with his ticket for entry and kissed his lips.

I found it hard walking away from him it felt so unfair we'd only just come back together and it wasn't long enough to have to separate. Today was going to be long and hard but after that there were minimal commitments part from the ball on Saturday night. 

I made it downstairs into the hall where our group was nearly ready to depart. After a few minutes Helen was looking a little angry. She was trying to call someone who obviously wasn't responding. She walked over to the reception desk and a Manager took her upstairs.

"Samuel's missing. He took a guy back home with him last night. Helen's going to have his balls for this". Chanel explained the current situation.

"Crap, I'd hate to be in his shoes". I squirmed thinking about how angry Helen was going to be at Samuel.

After a few minutes Helen came back down and immediately approached me. "Lauren, is your gorgeous boyfriend awake by chance? I really need him today".

"What's happened?" I asked in shock.

"Well, the boys got a little too kinky last night and lets say they'll need a trip to hospital. Samuel lost his phone and is now handcuffed to the bed with an object inserted inside him. Don't ask any questions please. Tell Ethan if he does this for me I can get him enormous opportunities across all fashion shows and even more within Australia. It'll be a win win for us both". I nodded.

"Ok, let me go wake Ethan". I ran upstairs and let myself in. Ethan was passed out on top of the bed with only his butt covered by the sheets. I walked over to him stroking his hair calling out his name. He stirred and his eyes slowly came to.

"Is this a dream again?" My heart melted at his words.

"Baby, I'm right here. I need your help today. Do you think you can get a shower and come with me now?"

"Coffee, can we get a coffee to go?"

"Sure!" I got Ethan into the shower and asked Chanel to order him a latte with two to go. So by the time we got downstairs he'd be almost human again. I got out a t, jeans and a t for Ethan to slip into. He noticed his stubble had now even darkened hopefully it wouldn't be an issue for the show.

"Babe, where are we going?" He was yawning as he spoke.

"Helen needs you today one of the models has to go to hospital and we're one down. She promised if you helped her out she could involve your business in shows all across Australia. This is a business decision as well as a favour. Please Ethan do it for me?"

He nodded and I smiled jumping into his strong arms. We headed down stairs and joined the group I brightly smiled at Helen and she embraced Ethan.

"Thanks Ethan. You won't regret helping me".

"It's fine Helen, just tell me what I need to do".

Helen introduced Ethan to the group. The girls were shamelessly checking him out especially his arse, he really looked hot in jeans.  

"Ladies, he's Lauren's boyfriend so hands off and please behave". She winked at me and I relaxed.

Ethan was now drinking his coffee as we made our way onto the bus. I noticed Sean checking out Ethan sizing him up. He sat behind us. After a few minutes he began talking to Ethan. They actually had a fair bit in common. Sean was a football player in school, loved surfing and his favourite food was sushi. He cheekily mentioned to Ethan they also had a common interest in insanely gorgeous women. I just chuckled and called Sean a flirt. Sean just shrugged it all off.

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