Chapter 39 - Career Choices

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Thank you to Halle_is_a_wolf for making this awesome cover. Remember to vote and comment so I know what you think. Thanks all x.

Lauren's POV

The last few days of Easter Break went by so quickly. We were all back at Uni today in full swing. It was great seeing all my friends again. That was by far the best part of my Uni life and something I would greatly miss.

As we were having our lunch in the caf Elliot came and found us. He wanted to make sure everyone was available this Friday to meet at his penthouse to go through the designs for the fashion parade. With around 6 weeks left to go this was becoming so exciting. He was like a peacock strutting his stuff, chest out, loud and proud.

I received a call later in the week from Arthur. We were just finishing up our dinner at Ethan's. He wanted to organise a time where we could shoot more photo's in his studio to arrange a proper portfolio. Apparently he'd just got back from South Africa this week and Helen had been hounding him to organise something yesterday!! We both agreed on Sunday and he was insistent that Ethan was to attend.

"Babe, Arthur wants you to come to the photoshoot on Sunday. Helen wants to have some shots together. She thinks your face is perfect and demanded that you do this".

"Seriously! Do these people even listen when you talk. Or are they just so used to getting their own way that nothing else matters!" He barked out in frustration. "I'll do it for you and only for that reason then we can move on and be done with this BS".

I laughed a little then walked over to where he was sitting on the lounge and straddled him. I seductively whispered, "Baby, you know I will more than reward you for all your help". I was kissing from his jawline down into the crook of his neck. He always was so sensitive in that area and after a few seconds he couldn't take it any longer. His shoulders came up to his ears hiding his neck, then he captured my mouth instead. He grabbed each of my thighs as he got up from the couch and headed into his bedroom without breaking from our kiss.

Ethan roughly threw me onto the bed and pulled all my clothes off using his teeth. He made no apologies for the rough banter, I enjoyed every minute of our playful moments.

"Lauren, remember, you owe me!" His eyes were dark and half lidded, his voice was low and dangerous. I knew we were in for a fun night, his moods had been happier and lighter over the past week. More clients were coming back and the court case was looking good. They had so much evidence against the club Ethan was told he had no chance of losing. Things were finally going back in his favour.

I was now naked on the bed. Ethan was hovering over me fully clothed. He was going to slowly torture me. He cockily tilted his head to the side.

"Lets make this fun". He grinned so mischievously I almost melted then and there . "First one to organism owes the other a 30 minute massage".

"But I already owe you a favour Babe, why don't you call me up on that now?" I breathlessly giggled.

"Lauren, Lauren, so sweet and innocent. Where's the fun in that. Now I will win twice". His eyes were twinkling as he spoke. I kept giggling. "The rules are easy. For one minute I will try to make you orgasm then for 1 minute you will try to make me orgasm. Everytime we both don't the time doubles until someone finally breaks. Then you can finish my off after you lose then give me a 30 minute massage".

I was smirking at him now. "Game on Ethan. But one small request, no pushing the other one away. You have to go through whatever it is they want you to do".

"Of course". He began undressing himself so we were both naked. He got back onto the bed, pulled his phone from off the side table. "I even found an app for our little game today. Let me know when you're ready and I will start. There's a 10 second pause so we change over and it tells you how long until the next buzzer".

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