Save Me

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Kim's P.O.V

I slipped back into the darkness of the halllway corner and heard Selena scoff.

"I can't believe how easy this was, I should've done it sooner" 

Danny laughed and I heard him toss something over his shoulder onto his back.

"I think we should just get outta here as quickly as possible" Selena sighed.

"Why? There's no rush, but alright, lock up the safe and just tidy up a bit"


"So that we can maximise the time taken for the Mason's to realise what's happenend - so you know move Liam into the bathroom and Kim can stay where she is..."

"Ok, just hurry up"

"Don't tell me what to do" Selena snapped, as she walked out of the room down the hallway. She pulled out her phone and dialled. "Hey Drake? Yeah ok we're just about to drop the money off at the warehouse are you ready for it? Yeah it worked like a dream! Alright see you in about 15 minutes" 

"Huh? What warehouse?!" Danny asked in alarm. I prayed hard that Selena didn't turn around and face me.

"Where did you think we were going to stash a bag full of cash? Imagine how suspicious it would look if we took it onto a plane like that!" Selena grunted. "Ugh I swear it's like working with a monkey!" She muttered. 

"So is this 'Drake' going to deposit it into our bank accounts?"

"Yeah, well we'll leave half of the sack in the warehouse for you of course" Danny must've been contented with this fact as he didn't reply, but as Selena turned the corner to enter the bathroom I saw a sneaky smirk across her face - something tells me she wasn't even planning on giving Danny his full half! As Selena slammed the door shut I poked my head around the corner to see Liam's lifeless body at the bottom of the bed. I choked back my tears and focused my attention on Danny who was locking up the safe and getting ready to drag Liam into the bathroom. As he bent over to grab Liam's feet I tiptoed into the room, I knew I had to act fast since Selena was only in the bathroom. I sneaked up behind Danny and was ready to pounce. I hovered my hands around his neck, and just as I heard Selena flush I jumped onto his back. I tried to strangle him with one hand whilst covering his mouth with my other hand so Selena didn't hear what was going on. Danny fell back onto his back and tried crushing me but I rolled over so I was on top. Danny tried grabbing hold of my wrists as I started punching, beating, scratching - everything I could think to do. I took hold of his arm and rolled him onto his stomach before locking his arm between his shoulder blades. He yelled out in pain. 

"Shhh!" I whispered. I stood Danny up and walked him into the ensuite. I took the key and before locking him inside I laughed. "I had high hopes for you Danny" Danny was staring at me blankly and I was swinging the door shut when he started running towards me. Despite my efforts to lock him in he managed to wedge his foot between the door so it couldn't shut. Alarm washed over me as he opened up the door and stepped towards me. Danny grabbed me by the hair and started to swing me until I fell onto the bed. I jumped back up and found him hurtling towards me. He head butted me so hard I couldn't see straight let alone fight. Danny laughed at me before taking me by the neck and pushing me against the wall. I tried loosening his grip but this was just one of his hands, not even two. I gritted my teeth so hard I felt as though they were going to fall out. I rolled my eyes back and slowly closed them. All I could hear was Danny's menacing laugh when suddenly


Danny dropped to the floor along side myself. I fell to my knees and massaged my neck soothingly. I spluttered for breath as I whipped my head up to see...Josh....what the hell?! Danny moaned in agony as he rolled around on the floor, clutching his thigh.

"JOSH" I shouted in a hoarse voice. "What are you doing here? I told you to stay downstairs!" Josh looked around him in a panick. I saw him drop the shot gun that he'd fired Danny with. He immediately began to cry. I shuffled over to him and hugged him. "Josh it's ok, everything's going to be ok!" I stood up and pointed to the door. "Now I need you to listen to me ok? Go back down to the basement and lock yourself in the store cupboard - do not come out until I come fetch you do you understand?" Josh sniffed sharply and looked at Liam across the room where I saw him begin to whimper again. "No Josh no, Liam's fine! He's just had a bit of a knock! You know Liam, he's going to be fine!" I stressed. I pushed Josh towards the bedroom door. "It's all going to be ok Josh I promise-"

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep you know...." Selena was stood in the doorway, peering down at her nails. She laughed as she circled around us and picked the shot gun up off the floor. Selena mercilessly kicked Danny's arm. "If you want a job doing..." Selena said, looking across at us and pointing the gun at me. "You gotta do it yourself" I clutched Josh close to me and heard his quick shallow breaths. Selena was looking straight down the nozzle and smirking, when I realised that me and Josh was nearly in the doorway of the bedroom. Selena placed her finger on the trigger and before she could shoot I stepped back with Josh and slammed the door shut. I pushed Josh from the door and pointed down the stairs. 

"GO JOSH GO!" I ordered as I kept my hand firmly on the doorknob to keep it closed. Josh looked up at me in fear. "GO!" I repeated, Josh suddenly starting sprinting down the stairs and I heard Selena get angry as she tugged on the door with all her might. She suddenly stopped pulling as I realised that she may be trying to shoot through the door? I gasped and rolled around the doorframe whilst keeping my hand in place. I was correct. The bullet shot through the wood and Selena made the hole bigger before peering through it. 

"Face it Kim, you've lost!" She laughed maniacally and I looked around the doorframe to see her aiming the nozzle through the hole down at my hand. I screamed and immediately let go when she pulled the trigger, as she came to terms with what had happened I decided to throw open the door - catching her off guard. I pushed it into her face and she fell onto the floor, the gun slid across the room. I went to run to the gun when Selena extended her leg and I tripped over it. I fell face flat with the gun in arm's reach. I went to reach out for it but Selena was dragging me back towards her by my feet. I rolled over and we locked eye contact. I kicked myself free from her grasp and simultaneously we both began frantically crawling towards the shot gun...

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