A warm welcome

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Kim's P.O.V

After about an hour of drifting in and out of sleep I decided to go downstairs. When I couldn't find Josh anywhere around the house I went into the basement to see if they had gone swimming. As I came down the steps I heard splashing about and squealing. I stepped into the swimming room where Josh was playing with Liam, who was holding Josh up above his head before playfully making him to do a flip into the water! As Josh went flying into the water I gasped,

"JOSH CAN'T SWIM! JOSH CAN'T SWIM!" I repeated, running toward the swimming pool. Liam looked at me as if I was insane and I was preparing myself to dive into the water when suddenly Joshs' little head resurfaced. I sighed with relief and backed away from the water. I felt really stupid when I saw Josh wearing his mickey mouse arm bands, keeping him afloat. Josh climbed onto Liams back and laughed

"Kim! I was wearing arm bands!" He told me, I rubbed my arms and kept my head down in embarrassment.

"Were you going to jump in to save him?" Liam asked me, i remained silent, it was a pretty stupid thing to do seeing how Liam was virtually right next to him. Josh began to laugh loudly as he heard this,

"Kim!.....You!....." He became breathless from how much the little guy was laughing!

"Whats so funny?" Liam asked Josh, looking over his shoulder at him.

"Kim can't even swim!" Hearing this Liam started to break out in laughter too!

"So hold on, if you can't swim how were you going to save him?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Well all that would've done is made my job even harder because I would've had to save you as well!" Imagining this 6 foot handsome guy with a six pack rescuing me made a smile come to my face.

"Kim's blushing!" Josh shouted, I gasped,

"Oi you cheeky monkey! Come on it's time to get out now you have your piano teacher coming in an hour!" Josh pouted as he drifted to the edge of the pool where I walked over, and pulled him from the water. I took the towel from the store cupboard and wrapped him it before picking him back up and pretending that he was a plane by flying up the stairs with him. I set him down at the top step before telling him to go and have a shower. "I better go and clean up all of that mess you made downstairs first!" I said, pinching his nose and sending him up to have a shower. I returned to the swimming pool to find Liam pulling himself out of the water and sitting on the side of the pool. I used another towel from the store cupboard to mop up all of the water where Josh had stepped. Liam looked around and saw nothing to dry himself with besides from his top. I laughed and walked over to the store cupboard to give him a towel. I walked over and towered over him.

"Oh hey thanks" He said, seeing the towel in my hand. I hid it behind my back.

"So lemme get this straight, you decided to go for a little dip in the water but beforehand you didn't seem to think about your towel or stuff?" He looked up at my in a guilty manner before laughing.

"It was sorta a 'spur of a moment' kinda thing.... as we spend more time together you'll understand the nature of how my brain works" I laughed, "Now can I have the towel? I mean besides from the top i took off before getting into the pool I have nothing else" I was about to hand him to towel when he cheekily said "Unless you want to see me and my six pack?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. I gasped

"You cheeky-!" He jumped up and snatched the towel from my hand. He dried his face with it I went to turn around and storm out of the room when I felt my hand be grabbed, I looked over my shoulder to see Liam's heart melting smile.

"Ok sorry, I guess you're just not the sort of person I can have a little joke with" I raised my eyebrows

"Oh yeah?" I snatched the towel back off him and Liam assumed that was all I was capable of. Shocking myself, I threw the towel down and pushed Liam back into the pool. Liam teetered around the edge of the pool, slowly losing his balance. Just before he fell he took hold of my top, sending me into the water along side him! I screamed for dear life, as the water swallowed me up I didn't stop screaming, inevitably making me swallow the water, I kept my eyes shut tightly so i couldn't see where Liam was, but he'd let go of my hand. Suddenly I felt the bottom of the pool, I lay there thinking that this was how I was going to die and so I opened my eyes to see a blurry image of somebody swimming closer toward me, they said something as bubbles escaped their mouth. The image was blurry and so thinking it was useless to keep them open I closed my eyes and I felt my body being lifted up off the ground and eventually out of the water.

"Kim?!" The voice was distorted at first but it slowly became sharper, I was still in the water, but my body was being held upwards. My body was shaken. "KIM?!" I was awake, but I had too much water in my lungs to talk. I clutched their body as I lifted my head and spluttered, as the water left my body I slowly opened my eyes. Liam's concerned face managed to make me smile.

"Thanks" I whispered with a hoarse voice.

"Thanks for showing me what your 'spur of the moments' are like" He laughed and I looked down at my clothes which were clinging to my skin, my hair was wet and all over my face and my makeup must've made me look like a clown, especially with my mascara leading to black smudges around my eyes, making me look like a badger. I still clung to Liam's skin, reluctant to let go. I heard clicks of heels along side another set of footsteps enter the room

"Kim darling?" I heard Mrs. Mason call. In alarm I looked up at Liam, who exchanged the same expression. Our bodies were so close together that I could see the flecks in Liams eyes and I could feel his breath hit my forehead. I looked at the doorway where Mr & Mrs. Mason stood astounded, I bit my lip, not knowing how to react.

"I see you have met Liam..."

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