"I'm so sorry." I said guiltily again, she stood up then kneeled infront of me and smiled, she wiped away the tears from my face the pulled me in a tight hug.

"It's not your fault sweetie, I understand what happened because if I was in your parents shoes I will actually do the same. But let's just take a look at the bright side, You have each other again. Everything happens for a reason." she said while caressing my back then pulled out of the hug and smiled at me

"Now I know the reason why Gemma and I were never a fan of Harry's past flings." she said playfully making me chuckled "I wonder why?" I asked playing along "Because I know you're our standard for him and no one ever beats you!" she cheered then kissed my forehead causing us to both laughed.

"You know Harry is hiding behind that door trying to eavesdrop right?" she whispered pointing at the closed door "I know." I said chuckling as we both walk silently near the door, Aunt Anne was trying to stifle a laugh when I grab the doorknob.

I push it open then heard a stumbling and groan behind making us both laugh.

"Ow! I think my forehead cracked." Harry groaned "I'm going back upstairs." Aunt Anne said dismissively then hugged me again, she smiled at me then glared jokingly at Harry and walk in.

I grab Harry's hand then drag him out and shut the door.

"It's rude to eavesdrop Harry." I said glaring at him, He stared at me with a worried expression.

I suddenly remembered all the things that Aunt Anne said to me making me burst into tears again, I probably look like a wrecked.

"Why?! Why did you nearly ended your life!" I yelled then push him repeatedly while he freezed on his spot and staring at me in shock.

"How dare you, you sick bastard!" I yelled still pushing him, He grabbed both of my wrists then pulled me in a tight hug.

"I love you! That's why! I nearly lost my sanity after everything that happened to you!" he yelled while I'm trying to push him away.

"You lunatic ass! Just because you love me, Doesn't mean that you can follow me asshole! Do you really think heaven will accept you if you did?! No! Idiot!" I yelled at him.

"Tori calm down." he said trying to calm me down, Oh hell he didn't.

"Do you really think I'll calm down?! You Dork!" I yelled "Babe stop." he said in a calm tone.

"Don't babe me you Dork! Get off me!" I yelled again trying to free myself out of his grip.

"Please calm down love." he pleaded "No!" I yelled.

I suddenly feel being light headed, my breathing started to quickened even more and my body trembles making me gripped both of his forearms tightly and leaned my forehead against the left side of the crook of his neck.

Fuck this panic attack.

He panicked when he realised what's happening to me "Babe, calm down okay? Just breathe deeply." he said instructing me while I'm struggling to breathe.

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