Chapter 11 : Tragedy *

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"Tell me!" I demand rather harshly as I gawk bewilderedly at Dani who's made no effort to explain to me what has happened. She just stood there, tugging on her sleeve.

I hated my mother, but I also hated the thought of something bad happening to her. I was worried, petrified even for my mothers safety. I shiver in fright at the thought of something bad happening to my mother or John.

She takes my cold hand into her warmer one and sits me in between her and Harry on the couch. Harry scoots away a bit, but I put no piece of mind to that. What I'm focused on is the need to know what's going on. And just by the looks of Dani's expression, I knew it can't something good. There was no preparing me for the scare I was going to receive.

Dani took a deep breath, staring into my eyes hopes of comforting me but it only causes me more distress. "Your mom," She starts off hesitantly, her voice trembling as I desperately meet her gaze. "She's..."

I roll my tired eyes and groan, yanking my hands away from hers. "For goodness sakes Dani, spit it out!" I order sternly as tears begin to well up in my ocean eyes.

"They're in the hospital." She says finally.

My eyes widen in dismay as all the different horrific possibilities run wildly through my sick mind. There's so much that could could have gone terribly wrong.

Dani and Harry gawk warily at each other before their gazes are adverted dorm at me.

Tears pricked against my eyes, bur I blinked away those tears, trying to remain strong, for both my mom and John. But gosh, was it fuckíng difficult. The memory of my real dad whom always told me to be strong no matter the circumstance was what kept me well and sane.

Slowly, and after a few long moments surrounded by nothing but silence as I aimlessly stared at the ground I lifted my head to ask, "Which hospital?"


Harry drove Dani and I almost three hours out of the city to the hospital that the paramedics had taken my mom into.

I was informed by Dani that my mom was in a car accident. According to the fire fighters that took her unconscious body out the car, she had been madly crying due to her tear stained cheeks and was blinded by her tears, crash into two others cars and got smushed between the two. It was miracle that she survived. 

"I'm looking for Klestema Moore!" I rushed to the lady working at the hospitals front desk.

"Are you her daughter?" She asks and I briskly nod. "Room 273, second floor." She tells and I mumble a quick thanks before I rushed to the elevator, ignoring Dani and Harry who advised me to slow down. I couldn't slow down. I continuously pressed the button to take me up to the second floor and I groaned with seething aggravation when I noticed the darn thing was taking way too long to open.

Like a mad psychopath I pushed passed patients, doctors and nurses as I rushed up the long stairs.

"Ro!" I heard Dani shout from behind me followed by multiple footsteps, but I didn't stop running up the steps. They'll either run behind me or take that slow ass elevator because I'm not slowing down for anyone right now.

I bumped into a few more nurses and doctors once I reached the second floor until I got to the room my mother was recovering in. I slung the door open to find my mother laying unconsciously on the blue bed with bruises along her face and arms, those only being from the exposed flesh I could see.

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