Chapter 10 : Walk Of No Shame *

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"Ow." I whimper in pain as I stumble out his sleek black car once we had reached Armani's house.

I felt like I could tumble over at any given second, the pace between my thighs sore and my legs too weak to hold me up. I momentarily turn my head around to catch Harry watching me slightly stumble to Armani's door from his car, but he never got out to help me. Did I mind it though? I don't know.

The darkened, gloomy night sky didn't stop me from having a clear view see of the expression he held. It was rather easy to notice that he was drowning in guilt. He was staring back me, mirroring my placid expression until a cruel, malevolent smirked formed across my lips.

Slowly, I my turn head back around and aimlessly stare at Armani's front door and began to think; was this really what I wanted?

That's when all the self doubt, my search of the purpose of my uncoordinated plan started.

Did I want this? As I expected, he is feeling guilty for his actions, but what do I get out of it? Satisfaction? I could get that anywhere. Dani would never suspect of her boyfriend of two years, nor would she suspect of me, I'm certain she thinks I'm practically in love with her and would never do anything to hurt her. Obviously I'm not telling Dani, she'd be livid with me and would stop seeing me. I felt like a complete and utter idiot. I should have planned this better. I was disappointed in my if anything.

So...what's in my favor?

Once I see the headlights of Harrys car fade away down the empty road, I finally place my knuckles against Armani's door and give it two loud knocks.

I stand there for a few moments, trying to process everything that has occurred in one night alone as I also tried to ignore the pain between my legs which isn't going anywhere any time soon.

Eventually, Armani opens the door which I was leaning on and I was too weak to stop myself before I fell. With a cry of help she was quick to catch me in her opened arms before my body had the chance to land on the floor.

"Woah! Ro, what happened?" She asks with concern as she stars to inspect my messy appearance with a apprehensive look. "Are drunk or something?"

"No." I respond, shaking my head as I rest my head on her soft, vanilla scented shoulder. Unlike me, she always splurges on nice things, especially name brand perfumes. I however, prefer to save my money and I only splurge when it's necessary– like those Gucci slippers I've been eyeing for two straight months. Oh, damnit.

We get inside and she helps upstairs to her room. We're unable to avoid stumbling up the stairs a couple times and seeing our life flash before our eyes until finally we make it inside her bedroom where I quickly collapse on her bed.

"Oh, my gosh." I breath out in slight pain and at the same time euphoria. I still couldn't believe either of us let that happen.

In all honestly; I was not planning for any of these sexual things to happen, let alone happen so quickly. Like I've mentioned before, I never treasured my virginity, but I handed it to someone who I supposedly despise for goodness sakes. I wanted and still want to break Harry and Dani up. For that I had to hit Harry's weak spot, and I'm guessing it's guilt. Which he's probably drowning in right now but I wasn't planning for him to feel guilty this way. There were probably many other ways to make him feel horrible about himself but me being the dirty little creature brought to earth that I am, this was the only thing I could think of.

Suddenly, I noticed something in that pensive moment as I dazedly stare up at the blank ceiling; not once did we kiss on the lips. Was it weird that we only fucked?

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