Before You Leave The House, Don't Forget To Put On That Fake Smile.

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Before You Leave The House, Don't Forget To Put On That Fake Smile.

It's a good thing I'm used to pain.

If I didn't, I highly doubt my chances of survival.

I cannot tolerate anymore pain than I am already going through.

I can't take much more. I am at my limit.

Whenever I feel like I'm going to crumble.

Like my world is falling apart, so much that I can hardly hold back the tears, the screams of pain.

I smile.

I smile because I've worn that same fake smile for so long, that it almost even fools me..

I pretend to be alright, when inside I'm screaming from the pain. I laugh and smile, but I can literally feel my demons shredding my insides to pieces.

Why does this always happen?

I'm so sick of pain.

I don't ask for help.

I'd rather cry on my own.

I'd rather scream as loud as I want; on my own.

I'd rather be alone.

I fake that smile,

not for the world to think I'm okay.

But to try and convince myself  that I'm okay.

That I'm not losing the battle.

That I will pull through.

That I will conquer.


Thank you for reading :)

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- Jade xx

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