Chapter 26: Pre Season

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Chapter 26


"I HATE SOCCER!" Marley announced, literally throwing her bag across the front hall of her house as she stormed towards the stairs.

Nicole let out a laugh, walking down the stairs.

"And that is why I quit in freshman year." Nicole giggled, looking at her best friend as she stormed past. "What's the matter now?"

"We had a particularly difficult workout today." I explained, walking towards the stairs. "The trainer wasn't there so the varsity captains ran the practice and it was brutal."

"Well then why aren't you dying?" Nicole asked curiously, continuing to walk towards the kitchen.

"Because today was relatively easy to some of the shit they pulled last year." I laughed, jogging up the stairs. "Tryouts are three weeks away so they're ramping up the difficulty."

Nicole didn't say anything back and I followed the sound of Marley's raised voice into Wesley's room.

He was laying on his bed, doing homework while Marley paced back and forth and ranted.

Mark was laying across the couch, repeatedly throwing pieces of popcorn at her.

For once Marley didn't seem to mind, she was just talking loudly and getting out of breath.

I set my bag down by the door and walked over to Wesley's bed.

"I'm tired." I said softly, laying down right on his back.

Wesley didn't even look up from his math homework.

"Were workouts as bad as Marley says or is she just over reacting?" Wesley asked softly.

"A mixture of both." I shrugged, pressing my lips against the back of his neck. "How much more homework do you have?"

"Four problems." Wesley mumbled, sounding distracted.

"STOP throwing popcorn at me!" Marley yelled, spinning around to face Mark. "What the hell are you doing in here anyways your damn girlfriend is over!"

"Don't yell at me!" Mark exclaimed, launching another piece of popcorn at her.

It hit her square in between the eyes and Marley let out a scream of frustration.

I expected her to lunge at him, but she just let out a groan and stormed out of the room.

Her door slammed a moment later.

"So how come you're not dead from this so called torturous workout?" Mark asked curiously as he started to clean up the popcorn he'd thrown.

"Because it's nothing worse than we did last year on Varsity." I shrugged. "If Marley wants any shot at making Varsity this year, she's really going to have to step up her game. She's got what it takes for Varsity but she needs to dedicate herself more."

"If you played last year, why weren't you and Marley friends?" Mark asked curiously, reaching under the bed for some of the popcorn.

"Because she was on the freshman team and I was on Varsity. She got pulled up to JV halfway through the season and I played down sometimes but we never really talked." I shrugged.

"You made Varsity as a freshman?" Mark's eyes widened. "Damn."

"Yeah, my girlfriend is amazing, suck it." Wesley said as he slammed his math book with a loud bang. "Now if you don't mind, leave."

"It's fine, I'm out of here. I've got to take Nicole home." Mark laughed, walking out of Wesley's room. "Thanks for letting us use your TV." Mark added over his shoulder.

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