Chapter 20: Bahamas Day 5 - Kiss Me, You Fool

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Chapter 20

It was our last day in the Bahamas, and I spent most of it completely alone.

I figured after the disastrous events of yesterday, Wesley and I would be able to spend some time together because the other two couples would want time to recuperate. But that wasn't the case.

I was eating breakfast alone, having woken up before anyone else, when Mark and Wesley came thundering down the stairs.

"Oh hey babe." Wesley grinned.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked curiously as Wesley walked up to me.

"Brother bonding, according to this lunatic." Mark pointed to Wesley.

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yep." Wesley nodded, taking a bite of my toast. "See we don't share a room anymore and I barely see the guy."

"So we're taking the boat out." Mark grinned.

"We're gonna go fishing." Wesley gave me a quick kiss. "I'll see you later."

And all of a sudden they were out of the door and gone, leaving me alone.

I figured I could just spend the day with the girls.

But that turned out to be a fail as well.

Marley spent the whole day moping around, and an excessive long time in the bath.

Nicole spent the day with Jane and the two little girls.

Henry was with the older guys outside somewhere.

I went to see what Logan was up to but he was sleeping.

So I was completely alone on the last day of the vacation.

I grabbed my book from the room and headed down to the beach.

I was all lathered up with sunscreen and spent the day laying on the beach and reading the rest of my book.

By the time I finished it, I noticed Mark and Wesley heading up to the house away from the boat a bit down the beach.

They didn't notice me and in a way I was glad, it was cute seeing them close like this.

"Hey." Nicole suddenly said, sitting down next to me.

"Hey." I smiled, shutting my book as I sat up.

"So I talked to Marley. And she's come to the conclusion that she does in fact love Logan. Her hesitation is apparently concern that he'll lose his feelings for her." Nicole explained. "And I'm assuming you worked things out with Wesley?"

"Yes I did." I nodded, glancing at her.

We hadn't really gotten a chance to talk yesterday.

As by the time we all went to bed, it was a tense silence until we all fell asleep.

"Look, Grace, I'm really sorry about what I said yesterday. It was completely uncalled for and I was just pissed off." Nicole sighed, offering a smile.

"It's fine." I nodded. "Don't worry, it was a reasonable thing to say, even though quite rude, but Wesley and I talked about it and there's no tension. In a way your comment kinda helped us get to that point."

"You slept with him." Nicole's eyes widened.

"No, not quite." I laughed. "But we did agree that when we're ready, if that's soon or in a long time, we'll get to that point."

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