Chapter 37: Smoothies

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Chapter 37

"I don't get why you can't come over today." Wesley sighed, pulling me closer to him.

"I told you already, I have soccer practice." I said softly, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Besides, you have football workouts."

"Yeah but I'd totally skip them to hang out with you." Wesley whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I love you." I giggled, giving him an actual kiss.

Wesley smiled into the kiss, pulling my hips against his as he pressed me back against the wall.

Normally I'd be against the whole PDA thing, but this was a deserted hallway around the corner from the weight room, meaning nobody would be coming down here.

"Ryder! Get your ass in the weight room with the rest of the team!" I heard the football coach yell from down the hallway.

Wesley sighed, pulling away from me.

"I gotta go." Wesley sighed, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of my nose.

I pouted, leaning in for another kiss.

"Do you have to?" I whispered.

"Babe..." Wesley whined.

"Fine, go." I laughed, kissing his cheek. "But come over later, okay?"

"Well duh." Wesley grinned as he continued off down the hall towards the weight room.

I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as I jogged out to the soccer fields.

Our coach was just getting there too so thankfully I wasn't considered late.

"Alright girls, we'll have an easy practice, then you can all go home and rest up for the big game tomorrow." Coach said happily, grinning around the circle.

"And we can study for finals." Marley spoke up with a sigh.

There was a rumble of agreements from the rest of the team.

With our last day of finals tomorrow on top of the state final game, it was an intense week this week for the soccer team.

"Girls, do not stress yourself studying tonight. Eat a healthy meal, drink lots of fluids, rest up, and get a good night's sleep. I expect a healthy breakfast tomorrow morning and you should be treating your bodies right. I expect nothing more than the best from you girls tomorrow."

"Coach I've got my anatomy final tomorrow morning... I have to re-memorize like, everything." One of the juniors spoke up with a sigh.

"Yeah my Spanish project is due and I've got about half of the video edited." Someone else added.

Coach looked concerned.

"Give me 30 minutes of easy touches on the ball and we'll call it a day." Coach sighed.

I felt a smile cross my face.

Tomorrow we only had our fifth hour final, we'd already taken the rest.

And since my fifth hour was apush, I had absolutely nothing to study for. Our projects were all done and I'd taken the AP ages ago. This was going to be a good day.


"What the hell are you drinking?" Michael grimaced as he walked past me.

"It's a protein shake." I rolled my eyes before taking a sip.

"It looks like straight up vomit." Michael said, pulling out a bag of leftover pizza from the fridge.

"Go on, list off all of the disgusting shit you put in there." Wesley gave me a look, glancing up from studying for his econ final.

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