Chapter 31: Benefits of Health Class

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Chapter 31

Michael paced back and forth across Nicole's floor, a concentrated look on his face.

"You're sure you can't tell Mark?" Michael asked, turning to look at Nicole.

Nicole shook her head.

"Please, you can't tell him." Nicole said quietly, nervously looking at me.

"We won't." I reassured her.

"Have you taken a test?" Michael asked Nicole, running a hand through his hair.

Nicole nodded. "I took one this morning." Nicole said quietly. "It was one of my mom's old ones from when she was dating this guy and..." Nicole trailed off.

"And it was positive?" Michael asked with a frown.

Nicole nodded.

"Are you on birth control?" Michael asked, rubbing his hands together.

Nicole nodded again.

"And I assume Mark wears condoms because he's not an idiot." Michael said, looking at Nicole with slight desperation on his face.

Nicole nodded. "Every single time." She reassured him.

"Thank God." Michael let out a breath, looking relieved.

"Except for one time." Nicole added quietly.

"Nicole!" I exclaimed as Michael's eyes widened.

"Holy fucking shit." Michael whispered, this time running both hands through his hair. "I'm going to kill him."

"When was this?" I asked with a frown.

"The last day in the Bahamas we ran out, and I was on my period and we thought you can't get pregnant when you're on your period..." Nicole trailed off, looking scared. "I didn't know..."

"Holy shit." I said, walking towards her. "Nicole you can never go without protection."

"Nicole you can get pregnant at any time of your cycle." Michael said seriously. "Did you learn this in health?"

Nicole shook her head. "I'm only a sophomore, I haven't taken it yet." Nicole said quietly, looking terrified. "Holy shit my mom's going to kill me."

"And you're sure you want to get an abortion?" Michael asked quietly, resting his hands behind his head.

Nicole nodded.

"Michael, I have no other option." Nicole whispered.

Michael returned to pacing back and forth.

"Have you skipped a period?" I asked quietly.

"It was like oddly light last month and I'm like three weeks late this time." Nicole said quietly.

"Nicole which guy?" Michael suddenly spoke up. "The musician or the business guy?"

"What?" Nicole frowned.

"The guy that your mom was dating, which one was it?"

"The musician." Nicole replied quietly.

Michael's eyes widened.

"That was six years ago." Michael whispered. "That test is probably expired and they give false positives."

Nicole's eyes widened.

"I'll go buy a new one." Michael said seriously, grabbing the keys to the Jeep. "Grace, come with me."

I jumped up.

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