Chapter 10: Double Date

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Chapter 10

"Wesley's here!" My dad called up the stairs.

I felt a smile cross my face as I jogged down the stairs.

"You look nice." My mom said, sounding shocked.

"Uh thanks?" I laughed, giving her a weird look. "I'll see you guys later."

"Where are you going?" My dad asked.

"We're hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend." Wesley explained as I walked up next to him.

"Alright, keep in touch." My dad smiled.

"Bye." I said over my shoulder as Wesley and I walked outside.

"Your mom is right, you do look nice." Wesley smiled, his eyes meeting mine.

"Why thank you." I grinned, doing a little spin as we walked towards the Jeep.

I'd curled my hair today, just because I was bored and our wifi wasn't working.

"Let's go, Nicole's getting impatient." Mark said as Wesley and I got into the car.

I jumped slightly. I wasn't expecting that he'd be in the back seat.

"Calm down." Wesley laughed, turning on the engine.

"Hi Grace." Mark gave me a wave.

"Uh hi?" I laughed, glancing over my shoulder at him. He's pretty much never said a word to me before this.

When Wesley suggested that we go on a double date with Mark and Nicole, I laughed. But somehow I found myself sitting in the car with two Ryders while we went to pick up Nicole.

"Does Marley know about this?" Wesley asked Mark, glancing back at him.

"Nope and we're keeping it that way. I don't want her knowing." Mark shook his head.

Wesley just laughed. "That will turn out well."

"Shut up." Mark mumbled. "Why am I stuck in the back?"

"Because I'm driving." Wesley replied with a laugh.

Wesley pulled up outside of the big Ryder house, and Mark instantly got out of the car.

"Wait why are we here?" I said to Wesley with a frown. "I thought we were picking Nicole up?"

"Yeah she's hanging out with Marley right now." Wesley shrugged. "She wasn't ready when we left. Plus she doesn't really like people at her house."

Mark and Nicole returned to the car a few minutes later.

"Hey!" Nicole said happily as they climbed into the back seat. "I like your hair." She smiled.

"Thanks." I said quietly, glancing at Wesley.

He gave me a wink before pulling out of the driveway.

"Marley nearly had a heart attack when I told her I was going out with you guys." Nicole said with a laugh.

"You told her?" Mark asked quickly.

"Uh obviously? I couldn't lie to her when she asked what I was doing tonight." Nicole frowned.

"Yes you could!" Mark exclaimed.

"Calm down, she got over her initial shock. She basically just told me you were a douche that she didn't know what I saw in you but I could do whatever I wanted." Nicole shrugged. "Although she was kind of jealous that she didn't get to spend time with Grace."

Falling For You ('Brothers' Spin-Off)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें