Chapter 18: Bahamas Day 3 - The Necklace

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Chapter 18

I stretched out my legs, resting them up on the coffee table as I turned the page in my book.

"Morning." Nicole mumbled from the bed.

I glanced over as Nicole, with extremely messy hair, reached for her phone.

"Morning." I said happily.

"What time is it?" Nicole groaned, laying back against the pillows, squinting at her phone.

"Just past nine." I replied.

"Why's the kid in here?" Nicole asked, pointing to the three year old laying next to Marley.

"I dunno." I shrugged. "She was there when I woke up this morning."

Marisol was awake, but watching Marley with an amused expression.

"It's creepy." Nicole sighed, rolling over to face the windowed side of the room.

"Have you girls seen- Oh there she is." Jane smiled, walking into the room. "Look how cute they are." Jane said as she picked up her daughter.

"Bye Marley." Marisol whispered in a cute little voice.

"Aw." Nicole and I both laughed.

"Sorry about this." Jane laughed before walking out of the room with Marisol.

Marley stayed asleep for about fifteen more minutes before Nicole reached over to take the necklace off of her. But Marley woke up and Nicole quickly rolled back over, paying attention to her phone.

"Shit sorry." Nicole mumbled as Marley sat up. I watched Nicole intently and saw a tiny part of the chain sticking out from her closed gist. Success.

"What time is it?" Marley mumbled, stretching her arms over her head with a yawn.

"9:30. Jane came in to get Marisol about 15 minutes ago. The little girl was just laying there, staring at you." I laughed.

Marley just shook her head. "I don't get why kids like me when I dislike them so much." Marley laughed, standing up from the bed.

She disappeared into the bathroom and I stood up with a sigh.

I was still wearing my pajamas, but I figured I'd so see Wesley anyways.

Logan was just walking down the hall as I left the room.

"Nicole has it." I told him.

"Thanks." Logan said as I pushed open the door to the guy's room.

"Morning." I said, walking over to Wesley.

"Hey babe." Wesley grinned, opening his arms.

"Please tell me you're wearing clothes under there." I laughed, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Yea as if he'd sleep completely naked with two other guys in the room. Gross." Mark said.

I rolled my eyes, leaning towards Wesley.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked happily.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I just want to sleep." Nicole sighed, walking into the room.

"Oh come on sleeping is boring." Mark laughed as Nicole climbed into his bed.

"But sleeping is good." Nicole mumbled, snuggling under the covers.

"What's Marley up to?" Wesley asked me.

"I dunno she was in the shower last time I checked." I shrugged. "But seriously let's do something fun today."

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