Chapter 6: Weekend Check-In

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Chapter 6

"Hey mom can Wesley please come over?" I asked, walking into my parents' room.

My mom raised her eyebrows.

"You've been spending an awful lot of time with him lately." My mom gave me a look.

I groaned. "I don't need you to analyze my friends..." I sighed. "Can he please come over?"

"Honey we just got home, you need to unpack." My mom sighed.

"I'll do that later! He's got to be home for dinner anyways, his older brothers are in town. He'll just be over for like two hours tops. Please?" I asked softly.

"Fine." My mom nodded.

"Thank you!" I said excitedly, texting Wesley back as I ran back to my room.

10 minutes later, there was a knock on the front door.

I practically flew down the stairs, excited to see him again.

"Hello!" I said happily, opening up the door.

"Someone's eager." He laughed, stepping inside.

"Sorry, I've got a lot of energy, my dad bought me candy." I laughed, turning to the stairs.

"You're like a child." Wesley laughed, shaking his head in amusement as he followed me upstairs. "I've never been past your front hall before."

"Really? Wow." I laughed, walking into my room. "But I mean I guess I've only been in your house once."

"True." Wesley nodded. "Your room is so clean."

"Ew no it's a mess, I'm like halfway unpacked from the weekend." I laughed, sitting down on my bed.

"Ooh yea tell me all about your fun adventures in Ann Arbor?" Wesley asked, sitting down next to me.

"Alright let's see, on Friday we went out to dinner with my grandma at Zimmermans, best place ever." I smiled, resting my hands behind me. "Then Saturday morning I got to sleep in, but then my parents schlepped me around on a tour of University of Michigan." I sighed.

"You didn't enjoy it?" Wesley raised his eyebrows.

"No I mean it's a great school but I'm only a sophomore... Like my parents are already obsessed with college and I'm like 'chill out'." I laughed with a shrug. "But I guess it was kinda cool. My feet were hurting be the end of it though. Do any of your siblings go to Michigan?" I asked curiously.

"Uh no, my oldest brother goes to NYU and then the other one goes to Northwestern. But I think the twins want to go to Michigan, they're looking into the football program there." Wesley replied. "But anyways, Saturday, you went on a tour of the campus, what else?" He asked happily.

"Uh... Then we went back to my grandma's house and just sort of hung out for the rest of the day." I sighed, pushing my hair back from my face. "Then some of my cousins and aunts and uncles came over and we had dinner for my grandma's birthday. That was pretty boring because I'm the youngest out of basically everyone."

"Do you have a lot of cousins?" Wesley asked curiously.

"Tons. I'm sure you do too, your family is massive." I laughed.

"Surprisingly no. My dad's got three siblings but none of them had kids. And then we don't really talk to my mom's side of the family." Wesley shrugged. "But anyways, keep telling me about your weekend."

"Uh well that was Saturday, lots of family stuff." I sighed. "And then today, we woke up, went to church with my grandma, went to see a movie, it was some awful documentary that I slept through." I laughed. "Then... Uh... Oh yea! Then we walked around and did some shopping and then we came home."

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