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Iseul POV

I opened my eyes. Today was the first day of school and I was kinda nervous, but I felt confident. I rolled out off my bed, grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. I stepped in the shower and peacefully washed my hair.


Finally I went out of the bathroom. I put my makeup, just a little bit of makeup. I didn't like being a girl with dozens of paint on her face. No. I liked being natural. 'iM nOt lIke oTheR gIrls' rang in my head after that.

"Iseul!" I heard my mom shout.

"What?" I opened my door to hear my mother better.

"Come downstairs! You only have 20 minutes till lessons!" she shouted as a response. 20 minutes?! How am I going to make it? I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran out of my room.

"You need to eat something, Iseul" my mom said when I was in the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry mom." I replied. "I'm going to eat in school. We don't have time. C'mon lets go!" My mom looked at me and nodded. She took her car keys and I followed her to the brand new car.


"Good luck darling" my mom smiled at me as I got out of the car.

"I don't need it, but thanks!" I smiled. I watched her as she drove away. I took a deep breath and looked in front of me. The building was big. There was some threes growing there and there. And also what caught my eyes that there was a lot of students going into the building. Well of course.. it's a school, so..

I made it to the door and gently opened it and then, there at the same time the bell rang. I automatically cursed. How am I supposed to find where to go, when there's nobody around me? Here goes my lady luck.. I started wandering around trying to search for principal office or something. It was nearly about 10 minutes when the classes had started and I hadn't found anything. First day of school and I'm already failing at this? Wow. Then I heard someone's steps coming closer and closer.

"Oh I'm so late. The teacher is going to kill me.." I heard them muttering something. Then I saw a girl around the corner of the corridor. Maybe she would know where I should go.

"Hey! You!" I said. She looked at me terrified.

"Oh my god! I thought you were a teacher or something!" she laughed as she came closer.

"Well I'm not, so be happy? Actually I'm new here and I need help. Can you maybe tell me where is principal's office?" I asked.

"Oh gurl, you are going completely wrong way. Just go there and then turn right and that's it!" she smiled. "By the way my name is Mira Osami. Nice too meet you"

"Min Iseul. I really should get going now. Maybe later you can show me around?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Yeah, sure! Just meet me after you're done, at the English classroom. Bye!" She hurriedly went to the classroom.

"Bye..." I smiled. I followed her given directions and eventually I was in front of the room I needed. "Hello?" I entered. There was a woman behind the desk. She looked up and saw me. "Um hi.. My name's Min Iseul, I'm new here and it kinda took me long to find this.." I said.

"O! So you're Min Iseul! We were starting to get worried! Come. Sit down" she gestured me to sit down on the chair in front of her. I nodded. I wanted to be polite. Well for a cold hearted girl that wasn't my thing, but I tried, because of my mom. So I just sat down on the chair.

"Here you go." She handed me a paper. "This is your school schedule. You can skip the first lesson. Just go to the music room or a library. By the way, do you need someone to show you around?"

"Actually no. I have met someone not that long ago, so I think I'm going to be fine" I smiled. The woman just nodded.

"Okay. If you need something, feel free to ask. If you don't mind I have some work to do. Thank you for choosing our school, Iseul. I hope that you do great." She smiled. I nodded as I stood up.

"Oh! Where is English class?" I asked.

"Just go to the left and then turn right." She said. "And also the music room is at second floor."

"Thank you." I closed the door as I said that. I won't go to the music room nor the library, there's only 10 minutes left till the end of first lesson. I'm just going to head over to English class and wait for Mira.

Hi! It's my first time writing in English, because I always write in my language :/ I hope that you'll read this story. Btw it's BTS fan fiction kinda thingy :D Bye i guess, love you lots~


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