Chapter 11

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I pushed at his shoulders but to no avail. Kay was ruthless as he plundered my mouth. Over powered by his will amd my own I could only respond. Things got a little heated before I came to my senses and wrenched free. We were both breathing heavily and the sexual tension was still dominant within the close quarters of the car. My sheer exhaustion served me well. I was able to revert to my usualy irritable and annoying personality and shove off him all together. I tumbled back onto my own seat and buckled up then without a word I closed my eyes and slept the sleep of the dead. I realised next morning that I never did wake up the night before. Kay had drove me home and somehow got me out of the car and into my bed hopefully without Jim being the wiser but I was surely not holding my breath over that.

My luck had been pretty shitty of late. I don't see any glimpse of sunshine lurking over the horizon either. Infact, I was certain, last night was just the begining of a whole new load of shit, one I was not at all eager to deal with. With still and awkward movements I hauled myself off my bed and had a moment of imbalance. I waited for teh dizzy spell to fade certain its was from te lack of food. I had not eaten since whenever. I was also parched. I made my way to the bathroom, spun open the tap and drank my fill.

After washing up and making myself respectable, I was creeping down the stairs. It was a weekend, so Jim might be in. I stopped short when I saw Dad come out of the kitchen.

"Dad!" I ran down the stairs albet somewhat clumsily and part threw myself and partly stumbled into my fathers arms to give him a warm hug of welcome. I was glad to note he returned it as warmly. Some of those dark clouds hovering about my head dissipated. the bright smile of welcome on his face only made the rest of my worries disappear alltogether.

I spent the rest of that morning packing and later after giving Jim a peck on his cheek and a gratefull thanks for keeping mum about the craziness over the past few days, I shot off with my parents back home.

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