Chapter 4

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That night, the howling wind knocked incessantly on my window pane.

Annoying the hell out of me. I had tried stuffing the pillows about my head and trowing the blanket to top it off but something was happening out there, something unusual. Belatedly, the possibilities of a tornado breached my sleep muzzled thoughts. I sprang upright, my pillows and blankets all trown assunder. Not even thinking of a robe or a slipper, I ran out the door and along the landing to cover the short distance to Jim's room hammering hard on his door before dashing down to the patio that opened onto the back garden from the living room, to get a better look at what was unfolding outside. The wailing winds were getting stronger and the sky was almost pitch black. I knew instantly  that events unfolding were extrodinary. This was no normal tornado, I wasn't sure if it was even one. But what ever it was it had the is this the end of the world kind of look attached to it. Despite the wailing winds, the world was otherwise eerily silent. I realised just then that Jim had not responded to my thumping on the door for he was not out here with me as I had expected him to follow. I turned to make it back into the house so that I may rouse him out of bed to come help me figure this, whatever this was out. But just as I moved towards the door, a whiplash of light rippled accross the skies lighting up the lanscaped in an eery glimpse as it went before blinking out once more. My unusually good night vision was temporarily blinded by that flash of strong light. I stumble momentarily in a loss of equilibrium and flicked up a blank glance towards the skies. Instinct had me facing north east and that had me swinging about at whatever it was I felt emerging at a great distance away. Just as I was starting to regain my vision, a sudden tug to my senses had me drawing in a sharp breath before, I lost my conscience. I was not unconcious but I had instead actuall lost my conscience. I felt it float away from me being tugged along at supreme speeds draging me with it. Strange I know but that was the only way I could describe what was happening to me.

It was probably mere nanoseconds but it felt like an eternity. I felt the essence of other, strangely enough merging into mine as I was tugged along this strange paths. They were stangers, these essence, not all human either as some had a distinctly leafy smell to them and others yet a doggy smell, if smell was even the right word. But whatever it was I could sense the difference. I wasn't sure these other essence were as concious of our journey as I was but again a sixth sense or whatever told me that I was alone in this, that the others along on this ride were well and truely still asleep. Then, I was there, whereever there was, merging into my host, a new voice of command facing what must be a nightmare of all nightmares, a fiery inferno, a flaming beast from hell, a pit of fire, whatever you'd call it, it clearly spelt doom to my host, to me and looking about me to what must be the whole world meshed into one.

I droned out the sounds of the inferno and focused on that one voice, our leader, the one who will save us from the inferno. I felt it that voice ringing loud in my ears yet not speaking anywords but I felt its drive and involuntarily joined mine to hers. In an onrush of intense heat and pain I was lost to figure out what was happenning but I sensed a sudden deep engulfing dispair in that voice before it was replaced by a male, with solid command, one that eased us out from the inferno. I blanked out just as the cool aftermath of the inferno hit upon me.

Jim found me half frozen lying in my shorts and tank out in the back yard the next morning.

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