Chapter 17

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After a sleepless night bewailing fate and cursing Kay just because I could, I woke with a splitting headache the next morning. It was to be a day at work and I was looking forward to a days respite from school. I did not want to face Steff just yet, either. Craig I was going to aviode for good. He was needlessly plaguing me about that alien crap. As if. There is always a perfectly logic explanation for everything. I just have not found out the reason pertainng my condition yet.

I really had not the time for all this drama, the back log at work was a welcome relief. Mindless work though it may be, the sheer volume that was there for me to muddle through kept my focus tuned for the entire day. Sheryl had driven me to work so naturally I waited for her to gove me a lift home. I checked my messages that night and noted there was noting from Steff. Of Craig there was at least a dozen all about the same theme. I could tell that would be his mantra for a long time to come. Still he was a good bud. I would hang in there till his normal sensible logic made a return and prevailed.

The message from Kay I deleted without even reading. I was not ready to face anything to do with him. Not those people who interrogated me nor what happened after on the way home. Those along with heaps of other niggling thoughts were thrown to teh back of my mind. I slept the blessed sleep of the dead that night and woke to the shrill sound of my alarm still heavy eyed  not knowing where the night had gone.

Stepping in to school that day had been a mistake from the get go. I should have realised as I bit into my burnt pancakes that morning that it was a sign of disasters to come. A mild but insistant sign. No matter that dads's pancakes were always burnt. I peered down at the oversized expensive shod feet that surrounded me as I peered out the bottom of my locker door without seeming too obvious. The jocks were back enmass. With a sigh of facing the unavoidable, I turned to face Kay, closing the door to my locker as I did. I managed to only raise a brow of inquiry before he hauled me off unceremoniously. This has a familar ring to it only this time we were moving further into school rather then away from it. My guess was he wanted to talk about whatever it was he had been messaging me about.

His entourage provided escort as well as clearing the way ahead. I was suddenly jerked to the left and trust into a broom closet, Kay snug behind me. A well placed arm had me twisting within his hold and before I could even utter a gasp of surpise his lips were on mine. All thoughts flew out of my mind as I returned with interest. Our grappling in the closet might have only been a few minutes but the damage done was considerable. Kay lost a few buttons to his shirt and I was thankful my usual lazy ironing wrinkled shirt was as wrinkled as ever. My hair was another story as were my bee stung lips. The bell that shot us apart also served to energise my intention to escape. I was out the door and accross to girls bathroom thankfully not far down where I did as much damage control as I could before hurrying on to class. 

I kept my lips thin and my smile tight in hopes no one would notice my beestung lips. But I knew the jocks knew what I had been up to in that closet and by default the whole school knew as well. Lunch time brought on the attack of Steff. Oddly, she was more ruffled by this new news then what Craig had been going on about, my alienness. I just did not understand the girl, sometimes.

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