Chapter 38

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At Craigs

"What are we going to do?" asked Steff tearfully as she watched the black lincoln cart Ariane away.

"I don't know about you lot but I am going to go see Jim," said Ari's father, then at the blank stares directed his way, he expanded that with," Jim is my brother in law. He is a lawyer."

At the chorus of Ohs, Ari's dad took his leave, quite rudely infact for he simply walked off to his car parked down the street and drove of without a backwards glance.

Watching him go, the three of them just stood there and stared for a while. Each with a worried look of their own.

"What are we going to do?" asked Steff again.

"I'm going to take a page out of Ari's dad and speak to my own. This is afterall his doing," said Kay still in his ultra cool persona but Craig was not having it.

"I'd say it was more your doing then his," said Craig getting a shame faced grimace from Kay for his efforts.

"But you go ahead and talk to him, just don't turn tail and side with your Dad this time," Craig continued sarcastically.

"I won't," Kay agreed before snidely enquiring," so what are you going to do,Craig? Seeing that you are her bestie and everything, what are you going to do?"

"I? I am going to alert the troops ," said Craig with his usual smug smile on his face.

"What troops?" asked Steff looking confused.

"Yeah, what troops," asked Kay looking a little irked that Craig actually had a plan.

"The usual troop of course..," said Craig.

"Whaa..why would the troop help out? They don't even know she exists and they are not likely to simply jump in at your demand," said Kay in his usuall arrogant dismissive tone.

"The will help Smutpig," Craig quietly stated while dropping the very confused Steff an appologetic look before he continued while shaking his head with a mummered," I told her to tell you."

"Smutpig? I don't get it does Ariane know Smutpig?" asked Kay and Steff looked on with dawning suspicion.

Again sending Steff an appologetic grimace, Craig answered ,"No, I meant Ari is Smutpig! The troops will come to her rescue."

With a sudden understanding gleaming in Kays eyes, he said," You are right, if Ari is as you say Smutpig the troop will respond. I will leave that to you to arrange and count me in on whatever is decided." Kay moved of heading to his car as he said this.

"Stay in touch with troopnet chats I may need your support to convince the guys on this," Craig shouted after him.

"You will have it. Oh and you might want to leave out the little fact that Smutpig is a girl," shouted back Kay ass he reached his car.

"But thats the best part!" Craig was quick to reply with a smug grin on his face.

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