Chapter 31

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 I sighed in exasperation and let the shield drop tehfeeling fatigued beyond measure I unthinkingy reached out to the bed side lamp and caused it to flicker on and off with a simple touch. My eyes closed I was not aware of his but Steff later filled me in on what I had done. Whatever it was, it served to make me feel much better. I was was being energised by the moment. I think I may have caused poor Craig a rather huge electricity bill though for it seemed I must jhave been drawing the energy in right from the lines. It created a pleasant tingly feeling that seemed to splarkle through me. Steff had also mentioned that I even had an eery bluish glow about me.

Whatever it was it had served its purpose, I was able to function once more. Ice cream was my first target and I made a beeline for it in Craig fridge leaving my shocked audience behind in his room. Steff joinded me there to tuck in the tub while she briefed me in on my addirtional wierdness but I only shrugged indifferently. I was so over it with the surprises and what not. It didn't even matter anymore if Dad chose not to believe me. My only priority right now was to find my mum and to do hat I will have to frst salk Cody. That was not entirely an unpleasant thought but it might be a very difficult one for it appears he could read my mind and there was the added difficulty of his being able to fly away at any point and my being indefinately grounded, not just physically, but also, I am guessing by my dad and the CIA agents that are even now right outside camping a stakeout for me.

I was very likely on their most wanted list. It started me thinking, it might be better to simply hand myself in. Cody had rescued me once before and he might do so again. Either way I would definatel get more answers then I was getting sitting here on my laurels eating icecream. Then again it could be a really stupid idea but if it was I could probably put it off as brain freeze from too much icecream. What? Now I knew for sure something was mentally wrong with me.

Not wanting to waste more time second guessing myself and unwilling to wait for the verbal combat that was happenng abovestairs to subside. I got up without another word  and strode right up to the front door of Craigs house and out into the arms of the awaiting CIA.

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