Chapter 1

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I lifted the hem of my little pink frock and gazed at it in awe. Sparkly beads and glitter formed entrancing patterns that kept drawing my attention away. It was just so pretty. I felt my left hand wobble from the weight of the cushion I was holding as I had let go of that cushion with my right hand to flip up that hem line. The wobble jerked my attention back to the proceedings before me. I had been given a charge to mind that little velvet cushion and the pretty shiny band of gold that sat on it. A charge that I am about to fail for just then right before my wide startled eyes the said cushion did the unthinkable and tipped its content on to the floor. The content then magnified the mistake by using its smooth shiny circular surface to simply roll away.

I did the only thing I could. I tossed that little cushion into oblivion and made a mad dash for the runaway ring. The ring rolled right between two stylish high heeled silken fabric slippers that momentarily distracted me from my pursuit and had me stumbling over a rough edge to the carpeted floors and landing face first between those very slippers. They were very much prettier up close.

My gaze travelled up those expensive heels, up the lovely trim stokinged calfs to mid-thigh where they encountered pearly white sequened stretch fabrick that molded the awesome figure it coverered and then on right on up to meet the blistering angry gaze that crowned the most elegant outfit I'd ever seen on this particular person. My step-mother to be that is as soon as she could get that said ring nestled on the floor between those endless legs onto marital finger.

I beamed up an appologetic smile at her for she was looking very lovely this day and I had been awarded this very pretty dress to wear so her ire was absolutely justified even though I had warned them, them meaning my dad and her that I'd be the least appropriate person to be the ring bearer especially since I was famed for my clumsiness.

A laud malicious laughter rang out over the tittering crowd of on lookers, the guests to this magnimonious event. I knew without looking just who it would be. That male hyena styled laughter could only belong to my would be step-uncle, the ever jeering and therefore must be not quite right in the head brother to my step-mother. He had vigorously concurred with me when I had been denying my appropriateness in being the ring bearer. I hadn't appreciated his mode of support then just as I do not appreciate his show of delight now. If I was the most clumsy being present here today then he was the least emotive being present here today for the emotions he tended to display were never inline with or appropriate to the situations surrounding him. A mass of contradictions that one.

I gathered my trashed pride and pulled together my teenaged limbs that were at present all angles and not much else to right myself up. I swung my hand right between those long legs and grabbed at the naughty ring on my way up. With a selfsatisfied smile of having caught the culprit and an ease of having been in simiarly embarasing situations upteen times over my short life span, I eased back into my allotted spot and resumed a look of solumn attention as I gave a nod to the priest summoned specially for performing this wedding ceremony to continue on with whatever he had been saying.

The ceremony resumed and this time I kept my gaze strictly away from my hemline and even all the other hemlines around me and fixed it sternly on the face of the balding preacher before me as he continued his long winded droning of god knows what. They really should have opted for the more modern version of skippinng all the boringness, on with the I do's and then swapping the rings before pronouncing their marital bliss with a full blown, way out there face eating kiss. Yuck!

I know I have progressed on to the teenage hormonal years that should  embrace kissing just like I embrace breathing but I just did not get it, yet. Persumably, I am merely late in developing an all out joy for face eating that seemed to have swarmed the rest of my peerage whenever the opportunity presented. At the moment however, I was content, happy even, to merely indulge in my disgust, the one I'd always had since my kiddy days which weren't really that far back for I had only just turned sixteen and so technically was just as young. I was not one to want to rush through my adolescence into adulthood as most of my peerage were aiming to do.

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