Chapter 29

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My eyes watered. I was so thankful to Steff for accepting me as I am. I had my fears especially over late when she had started avoiding me but I was happy to know that she was with me on this. I gazed back at my Dad somewhat defiantly, I felt better already knowing I had both Craig and Steff's support.

I raised my hand to Dad and when he caught my hand in his I tugged him closer to the bedside and got him to sit bside me. There was something I had to tell him, something I was fearfull to say but that had to be said.

I kept my gaze on his as I said, "Earlier today I was abducted from right infrom of our house by a wingged creature from another planet. His name is Cody. " I ignored the gasp that must have come off Steff and continued, " I was being pursued by those agents that Kay set  upon me."This time I paused intentionally long enough for everyone to glare daggers at Kay. "Cody took me away just in the nick of time but regardless, I had to shield myself from those agents before Cody's appearance and the agent now know for certain what I can do. They are not about to let this go. Not by a long shot. As far I'm concerned is inevitable that the agents succeed in getting their hands on me as far as I am concerned my days are numbered I am functioning on borrowed time."

"What are you saying, Ari?" Dad interrupted looking concerned.

I ignored his question, I could ot allow myself to be diverted. I had to say what I must before I chickened out.

 " I am dropping out of school, Dad. I have to join Cody in his quest...," I started to explain only to be interrupred again.

"What? Drop out of school? Are you crazy? There is no way I am going to allow you to head off on some scarebrained idea.." Dad started on his rant but I was quick to interrupt him.

"Dad? Dad!... Mum is alive!"

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