Chapter 32

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It all happened in a blink of an eye, one moment I was marching out the door and the next men in suit came swarming out of every corner and before I knew it I was hand cuffed and stuffed in to the back of a lincoln.

Just as the wheels of the lincoln squeeled before it took off at what must be an illegal speed within a residential area, the door to Craigs house flew open. Steff, Craig, my Dad and Kay all stumbled to a halt on seeing the lincoln speed away with me inside. I leaned over to look back at them for as long as I could before the lincoln took a sharp turn that took them out of view.

So I leaned back and prayed that I did the right thing.

It was the longest journey of my life. I had dosed off from the stiffling heat more times than not but still the lincoln continued on its endless journey.  I had lost track of where we were heading miles back. My two front seat companions were not very forthcoming either so it was a very long, silent and miserable ride. I was sure more times than not that I had made the greatest mistake possible but it was too late now. I would have to stick with this and see just how this played out.

Having walked out virtually empty handed did not matter much for I had been rapidly frisked before cuffed and stuffed in the back seat so I also bored stiff without my beloved smart phone. Although I seriously doubted there would be any reception coverage where we were passing through the landscape was nolonger oddly vacant but was now starting to roll up onto little hills. We might be heading towards Canada for all I knew. I really should have paid better attention to geography.

I also really needed to pee again. The last stop had been ages ago. It was time to off load the coke I consumed along with a hearty oversized burger and fries meal from that last stop. But before I opened my mouth to demand this a huge something slammed right onto the hood if the car sending it into a tailspin that would have careened it right off cliff edge...if it hadn't just richotted off a blue shield that miraculously appeared on just that side. Instead the car simply smashed into the shield and to a stop.

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