Chapter 30

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"Ari! What has gotten into you? I will not stand here and listen to this fucking shit any longer. When you come to your senses you know where to find me," said Dad in a very angry tone that he had never before used on me. Abruptly he made towards the door but hearing him disbelieving me after so many years of hiding ttuth I was suddenly determined to come clean and ground the fact that I was not human into his thick scull. No sooner then that angry though formed in my mind, I heard a loud thump and an enraged cry of pain. Quickly glancing back at my dad, I saw to my dismay that he lay strewn across the floor as if thrown back on impact. A quick check confirmed that it was my damn blue that was barricading the doorway. I inwardly winced at the diatribe that would sure flow out of my dad now but surprisingly he remained silent staring straight at the blue shield. "Remove it!" Dad said so I did.

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