Chapter 28

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I stared at my Dad straight in hs eyes and said in ernest, "Its true Dad, mum amd I we aren't quite human. Did you know of this? Any idea at all?"

"Not a fucking clue! I don't believe it. Is this some kind of prank? A joke you and your friends have cooked up against me? What do you take me for, a fool? You are grounded for the next three months, now get your ass off that bed and home, this minute," said Dad in a furious undertone. I could tell he was more angry then I have even seen him be before. He really hadn't a clue. I was sorely tempted to fall in line and retract back what we had been trying to convince him. There was no real need for him to know. This was the escape i needed, I turned to look at Craig imploringly and almost pleadingly even but he only shook his head firmly. It was as if to say that we are going through with this here and now.

I felt my eyes tear up in despair fueled by sheer exhaustion, I turned my gaze from Craig to Kay and silently asked for his help. For if Dad would not believe me or Craig's internet then it was up to the CIA or whatever division of it that Kay represented.

Obeying my silent entreaty, Kay turned to my Dad and said, "Its is true sir, your daughter, Ariana is not quite normal. I've seen her do some strange things. Good but strange things."

I scowl at that, I was sure what Kay just said served only to produce more confusion. I was not strange, I was alien and I was normal, alien or not. I frowned my anoyance at kay over his blunder in word choices and saw my Dad do the same. We were all awkwardly silent for a moment before surprisingly, it was Steff who spoke up in my defence.

"Alien or not, you are still my best friend and I will not have those goons, " here she paused to look threateningly at Kay, "have at you. You come stay with me as long as you like," and then she paused to shoot a glare at my dad and finished her invite with a statement to prove her loyalty,"I believe you Ariane, I believe that you are an alien."

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