Chapter 8

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I was in a moving car. That was the first thing that struck me. My lids felt heavy but I insisted in lifting them regardless. It was with great aprehension that I looked about me for my memory of what was happening before I fused out rushed back to me after that single blink. Kay was behind the wheels looking dead serious about whatever it was on his mind. We were alone in the car, I could sense that even with my eyes closed. I decided playing dead was not doing me any good so I lifd my head from the odd angle in which it lay and turned to face Kay.

"Yo, Kay? Whats happening?" Not my brightest efforts, I admit but given my momentary distress, I was justified, I think. The Kay who had been hounding me over the past few days said not a word. Damn annoying. I had been repressing an eager anticipation over what he might want to say to me. Curiosity has always been my archilles heel.

I stared blatantly at his side profile. It was the only time I'd ever studied him. Usually, I just turn the other way but current situation justified a close inspection, so I shamelessly indulged. My usually dormant interest in the males of the species sprung awake. Not the most appropriate timing. But, man was this dude hot! Bodilicious! Yum!

So I sat there internally hyperventilating, while he continued to steam in his icy demenor while he drove me to god knows where. We had moved to the outskirts and looked to be heading to the middle of Arizona desert. So not looking good. I felt an intense thirst for water just gazing out my window. I eased off my jacket and laid it on the back seat. When I turned back, his gaze was on me. I noted he'd momentarily diverted attention away from the road to chek me out. My top was a little skimpy but the rest of me was decently covered. I had on my usual grey skinny jeans and tank. I usually keep on my jacket at school for I got the chills easily enough.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as my gaze met his. He took a moment before reverting back to gaze at the stretch of road ahead. After a moment at staring at the empty road ahead, he spoke, "I don't know if I ever told you of  what my dad did for a leaving."

"Burt?" I asked recalling the name of his step-dad.

"No, I mean my real dad, Michael," he said.

I took a moment to think back but all I could recall was the time he proclaimed to the class, that his dad was a CIA operative. I had, like the rest of the class, laugh hilarously over that one. Even the teacher had covered a smile and later she chided him for not doing his homework and finding out what his dad really did for a living. He had not fared well over that report.

"You mean, him being a CIA operative," I said sarcastically. We were a backwater town, what would a CIA operative be doing there. Of course, he was not there, infact, the last I heard, which was way back when I associated with jerkwad Kay here, he had been in China.

"Yes, he is with the CIA. He'd like to meet you."

That send the cold shivers of hell down my spine. I reached back into the back seat of the car and retrieved my jacket. Without another word exchanged, we made the rest of the way to our destination in records time. Kay pulled off the road onto a rough stretch. It was a bumpy ride and his car made no effort to cushion it for us. I was just about to break the self-imposed silence to comment that if intended to go about travering such rough patch landscapes, he'd need to actually invest in a four wheel drive, when two of the same vehicles I had in mind appeared out of nowhere to escort us in the next short distance before we all pulled up over what appeared to be nothing but a never ending stretch of dry dirt. For the desert was like that, full of endless dry barren ground with mere odd patches of weeds littering the way. The doors to the two black coloured vehicles slammed shut announcing our ariving visitors. I shot a quick glance to study Kay;s reaction but he remained impassive. Then the door to my side was wrung open and I was gripped and hauled out.

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