Chapter 39

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Steff agreed to stay that night at Craigs. After calling her mum telling her some fib of a sleep over at Ari's, they both sat to devise a plan of attack. It took a while bringing Steff up to speed on Ari's  alternate online persona as Smutpig. It took another while of coaxing Steff out of the glum she fell into on being left out from it all.

Then, finally, they hooked online and dropped the bomb.

"How long do you think it will take?" asked Steff lifting her head off Craigs chest to look up worriedly at him. The had both settled in bed and cuddled up while they waited for the impact of the info bomb they dropped on troopnet to unravel and do its thing. The room was in utter darkness with only the glow of the blipping screen saver casting al enough light for Steff to vaguely assess Craigs expression.

Craig reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear before he mummered soothingly," It will be soon now. Don't worry. The guys will come through."

So with a nod of her head she settled back in against Craig and allowed his soothing strokes down her back to lull her into sleep.

She was almost gone under in deep sleep when the buzz of Craigs computer started to ping insistantly as messages started to flow in one after another.

Steff raised her drowsy head and noted that Craig had already fallen asleep. So without waking him up she got off the bed and walked to his computer. settling herself on his chair she moved the mouse to wake up the screen and started to worriedly read through the mails that was pouring in.

It took only two before she was comforted enough to change her worried frown to a bright smile of excitement.

It seemed the plan was on. Content she got up from her seat and made her way back to the bed where she climbed in beside Craig, pull his comforter over to tuck them both before she wrapped her arms around him and settled in for the night.

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