Chapter 22

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"You are mistaken, my  mum died a while back and we burried her. She is very much dead," I said insistently, feeling a queer sense of dread.

"She is alive. She is one of us, it will take a lot more then a punny car crash to bring about her death," Cody said as he looked on at me, his expression remote and almost eerily vacant. He glanced up in the air, then turned sharply at an angle. It was as if he was listening quietly to somthing far away.

"What are you?" I asked.

"I am a Heilor from the planet Zyper, formerly of Johuan in origin," he said as he stared down at me.

"So you are an alien,then," I asked wanting to get this beyond doubt right.

"From an Earth's perspective, yes but not for long, my people are in negotiation with your governments to secure a permenant settlement here for us," he started to explain, then again paused to give my that unfocused look again before he continued, "Your governments are very slow in processing these things, to much red tape. We annoy easily, it would not be in Earth's best interest to daly over the proceedings."

"Did you just threaten us?" I gawked up at him.

"A mere observation," he smirked down at me.

"Why would my mother pretend to be dead if she were not? If what you say is true, you would know where she is," I said really confused.

"Look, I had to ask you and so I did. You appear to know nothing about it, so lets leave it at that shall we. If you are ready, I will take you back," he offered politely.

"Over my dead body! Do you know the mess I was facing back there? That was the CIA or whatever crap government division. They would hunt me down and do who knows what crap experiments on me. You cannot take me back there. I.. I want to find my mum too, if that is what you are trying to do for what ever reason, I want in!"

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