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Hey, can we meet up again? I made my choice.


He pulled up to the little coffee shop and met Jen at a table. "Jen, this was a hard choice. An unbelievably hard choice. I'm sorry but I'm not getting back together with you. I just can't do it." A tear fell down his face.

"Why are you crying? It's your choice." She asked. "It's not like I expected you to say yes."

"Because you said you've been upset and still aren't ok. I don't want me leaving to spin that out of control and hurt you more. My intention isn't to hurt you. It's to make Audrey and I the happiest we can be and to do what I feel is best for Audrey. Audrey wants this." He explained.

"I'll be ok. I know you're not trying to hurt me and I appreciate the concern you still have for me. Audrey will be happy and so will you, so I'm ok." She replied. He knew she was somewhat upset, but she was at least understanding.

"And one more thing... If anything happens no matter how many years down the road it is, you can call or text me. Just because we aren't together doesn't mean I'm not here for you." Dean added.

"Thanks. Will I ever be able to see Audrey?" She asked.

"I'll discuss with everyone on how much you'll see her. It's not that I want to keep her from you, I'm just afraid that she's gonna see us argue and I don't want to put her through that." Dean replied.

"I get it. Just let me know." She replied sadly. They got up to leave when Dean pulled her in for a hug.

"Just because we aren't together doesn't mean I ever stopped caring. I'm honestly sorry about how things ended and I hope there's no hard feelings." He told her as they hugged.

"I know that, Dean. I hate how things ended too and no worries about everything." She replied. They left the coffee shop and went their separate ways. Dean walked back into the bunker.

"Dean, how'd it go?" Sam asked expectantly.

"Just leave me alone for a while. Ok?" He stated as he headed to his room.

"Sam, I know I do this all the time, and I swear it's nothing but me being-" she started.

"I know, babe. You're being a friend and a sister and being there for him. If you need to talk to him, go for it." She kissed Sam then went to Dean's room. She opened the door to see Dean staring off into space on his bed.

"Dean? I'm not trying to get you to talk. I just want to say I'm sorry you have to make this choice. I know it's hard." She told him softly.

"That's not the problem. It was hard to choose, but not because of my feelings. It was hard because I needed to make Audrey happy. The problem is, it was too easy. I was struggling with having Jen brought back up, and I do still have feelings for her but I'm remembering why it never worked to begin with. I was someone she could count on and I honestly think there was more of an aspect of me marrying her because she needed someone than I thought there was. Yes I loved her, yes I still do, but we just don't work. We had so many issues that just aren't gonna be fixed. We were even arguing about how things ended. I expected it to be really hard to tell her no, but it was so easy that it scared me. I don't know if that's good or bad." He explained. He was borderline upset.

"Dean, answer this: what does your gut say? Did it feel good that it was easy or bad?" She asked.

"Good in the moment but now I'm not sure." He replied.

"There's your answer. Go with your gut. It being easy means you knew how you felt and you knew what the right choice was. I'm sorry things never worked with you two. I had thought it would." She replied.

"Oh, I had a question too." Avery nodded. "Should I let Jen be able to see Audrey?"

"Dean, that's not my choice." She stated.

"But do you think it's a good idea? I don't mean every day, but every so often or once a month?" He asked. "Technically she has custody."

"I'd say once a month is a good option. Just make sure she's not gonna report you because she has custody." Dean nodded and Avery left the room.

Hey, so you can see Audrey once a month or so. If there's a reason why you want to see her otherwise, just let me know and I'll more than likely let you.

Ok. I'll take all the time I can get. Did you really mean it when you said I can still talk to you?

Of course. You can talk to me any time you need to. And just to be sure, you're not gonna report me for having Audrey right? You technically still have custody is why I'm asking

No. I'm not reporting you. I sent her to you. And thanks. Sometimes I can use someone.

Good. And I get it. I'm here for you


They texted back and forth for a good part of a half hour before Dean rejoined everyone in the main room. Everything was the way it should be and Dean was happy. Audrey was a happy girl, Tristan was happy, Avery and Sam were as in love as ever, and Dean was still friends with his first real love. Nothing could get better than this.

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