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Sleep just couldn't take Avery. She lay awake and couldn't help but want to never go back. She was so scared of the pain and death that came with their lives. She nearly died and she had watched the guys almost die as well multiple times. She just didn't want to deal with it anymore. She eventually fell asleep but it took hours.

Sam woke up in the morning and texted Dean and told him they'd stay a couple extra days and Dean was ok with it. They got up late morning once she woke up and just hung out all day watching tv and going and walking around town. They didn't talk about it again and it was eating her up unbeknownst to Sam. One night once Sam was asleep she stepped out of the room and sat on the curb outside the door and called Dean.

"Hey, what's up? It's late. I'm surprised you aren't asleep." He asked.

"I need to talk to you. You're gonna get pissed just so you know. I'm just dealing with stuff and not very well." She added.

"What's wrong? Have you told Sam about whatever this is?"

"Yes, Sam knows. Um, let me think of how to explain what's going on. So, basically, I don't want to come back." She started.

"Why not?" He asked, clearly hurt.

"I'm tired of the pain and death and I never wanted it to begin with. I've dealt with so much, I've nearly died, and I've seen you two hurt and nearly die multiple times. I don't want to come back. I don't expect you to get it." She stated as a few tears fell down her face.

"I understand completely. Think about this though... You'd be abandoning Tristan, Audrey, and me. You really want to do that to us?" He asked. He had a slightly angry edge.

"I don't want to abandon you I just don't know that I can come back. You've seen me recently. I'm a wreck. I've been the happiest the past few days here with Sam." She explained.

"Listen, I'm not thrilled you want to leave us, but if it's gonna make you happy, then stay with Sam. I know what it's like to want out. You're like my sister and I want you to be happy."

"I don't know that I'm staying here or if I'm coming back. I'm just not sure what to do." She explained. She didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Just think about it and let me know."

"Ok." She replied then hung up. She sat there and just cried. She didn't want to hurt anyone but didn't want to be hurt anymore either. She didn't hear the door open but suddenly Sam sat down next to her.

"Talking to Dean?" He asked.

"How'd you know?" She asked.

"I was surprised you hadn't yet." He stated. No one said anything for a couple of minutes.

"I don't know what to do, Sam. I don't know how long I can handle everything but I can't hurt the kids and Dean." She spoke up. She was so conflicted.

"I can't tell you what to do. Just think about it and we'll figure everything out either way. I won't be upset about either choice." Sam consoled. She nodded. They went back inside and climbed in bed. The next morning, she woke up and they went for another walk. She didn't talk the entire time. She just thought.

"Sam, we can go back. It's a better choice." She spoke up towards the end of their walk.

"I want you to be happy. If you're really ok with this, I'm gonna try my absolute hardest to keep you happy like you have been this week."

"You make me happy all the time. It's everything else that doesn't. I'll be ok. Don't worry so much." He nodded, they packed up and headed out. She texted Dean and told him they were on their way back. They walked in and Dean instantly wanted to discuss everything. "Not now, Dean. Just let me be." She stated. She and Sam walked into their room and put their stuff down. He sat on the bed with her and put his arm around her. "So how mad do you think Dean is?"

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