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"Are you ok with going back?" Sam asked once they were up.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She was quite confused as to why she would have any reason to not be ok with it.

"No reason. You'll be driving a lot. I was just making sure you were up for it." He explained.

"I know it's a long drive. At least we can make it in a day." She commented. They got up and packed before helping the kids pack.

"Mommy, do we have to go? I'm gonna miss Bobby." Audrey asked.

"I know, honey. We have to go back though. The bunker is our home." Avery explained. Audrey understood but was sad to leave Bobby. They got all packed up and were about to head out.

"We're heading out, Bobby." Dean stated.

"Ok. It was good to see you again, boys. And your kiddos are sweet. It was nice getting to know you, Avery." He replied. "Take care of yourselves."

"We will, Bobby." Avery replied. They all said their goodbyes and left. They got home late afternoon. It was nice for Avery to not have to drive in the dark again. They were happy to be back home. The smell of the bunker hit them all with a wave of nostalgia and comfort. They instantly hit the couch with a thud and relaxed in what had felt like forever ago. They got some food for dinner, but otherwise had a chance to relax on the couch. It was about 11:30 when the kids got tired and they realized they hadn't put them to bed yet.

"Daddy, can I ask you a question?" Audrey asked when he was putting her to bed.

"Of course, honey. What's up?" He was wondering what she would ask and was fearing it.

"Did you miss me when you were gone? You never talked to me when you called Bobby and I was so upset without you and I wanted you there." She asked with the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Don't cry. Please." This only made her cry harder. She frantically wiped her eyes with her tiny hands. He used his thumbs to help wipe her tears away. "Of course I missed you. I didn't talk to you because I wasn't feeling well when I was hurt and so I had Avery call Bobby most of the time. I thought you were probably upset, but Bobby said you went to sleep pretty fast at least. I'm sure you wanted me there. I wanted to be there. I didn't want to leave you that long at Bobby's but Sam and I got hurt and so we couldn't come back yet since we were in the hospital." He explained gently. "You know I love you. I missed you like crazy, kiddo."

"Really?" She almost didn't believe him.

"Really. I love you. I hope you know that." He stated.

"I know, daddy. I love you too. Goodnight." She replied.

"Goodnight kiddo." He tucked her in and left the room. Avery and Sam had headed to bed so he just sat up and watched some tv. He couldn't help but think about how rough things had been lately for everyone. He in some ways felt responsible for most of it despite it not being his fault.

"Sam, can I ask a question?" Avery spoke up once they were in bed.

"Of course, babe. What is it?" Sam asked gently.

"Once you're sure you're 100% ok, I really want to have that time away with you again. Can we? I just want a break from the mess and the only way that can happen is if I'm with you. I don't know what we should do this time though." She asked calmly.

"Yeah. We can do it whenever you want to. That can be tomorrow or any day you want." Sam told her.

"Ok. I'll talk to the kids and Dean about it tomorrow. I really just want things to be ok again." She added sadly.

"I know, Avery. I know things are so tough right now, especially for you. It'll take a while but things will be ok. You know I'm always right here if you need anything."

"I know." They cuddled together and fell asleep.

Avery woke up in the morning and wasn't sure that she wanted to talk to Dean about leaving again. They had just gotten back the day before and she didn't want to make him or the kids feel abandoned.

"Dean, can we talk?" She asked cautiously.

"Sure." They went into the other room to talk. "What's up?"

"Please don't get mad and it's ok either way, but would it be ok if Sam and I took some time away again? I'm dealing with a lot and I need a break from the mess. Plus, last time we ended the weekend with me talking about how I was feeling and it kind of ruined it." She explained.

"Of course you can. Why would I be mad or say no?" Dean questioned.

"I just don't want to make you or the kids feel like you get in the way or like Sam and I are abandoning you. I just need some time to figure some stuff out." She explained. She was still torn up about what happened.

"I totally understand that. I know why you want to go out and that's totally fine." He replied. "I'll go talk to Audrey and explain if you want to go talk to Tristan." She nodded and went to Tristan's room.

"Hey bud. I need to talk to you."

"What's up mom?" He was confused.

"I know we just got back yesterday, but Sam and I are going out for a few days. Like we did a while back that one weekend. A lot has happened and he and I just want to have a little time alone together." She explained.

"Ok." Tristan responded.

"Are you mad?" She asked.

"No. Have fun." She gave him a hug.

"We're heading out soon."

"Ok. Love you mommy."

"Love you too, Tristan. While we're gone, be good and listen to Dean. If he needs help getting Audrey to sleep or with anything else, please help him." She urged.

"I will." He replied. She walked out to the guys.

"Hey. She's upset but it's ok. I'll handle it. Go have your fun. How long will you be gone?" Dean asked.

"I don't know maybe until Friday. That gives us 3 days. If anything changes, I'll let you know." Dean nodded in agreement and they headed out.

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