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"Sam, baby. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I screwed up big time even bringing up this hunt. I should have just ignored the fact Lucy died and moved on. I just need you baby. I need you here with me. Please just wake up." She begged as the tears fell. She eventually fell asleep, but from that point on spent every waking moment in Sam's room waiting for him to wake up. She sat there for a few days. She got up to get food and use the bathroom and update Bobby, but never left his side because she felt that he needed her as much as she needed him. One day as she was sitting there, a hand touched her shoulder. She turned around. It was Dean.

"Hey. How you holding up?" He asked softly.

"Why are you out of bed?" She asked.

"They told me I could move a little. I'm still not strong enough to be released since the cuts were super deep and I lost so much blood, plus I'm bruised up, but I can walk some. Now I mean it, how are you doing?" He repeated.

"Why do you care, Dean? I'm not ok but it doesn't matter. I'm never gonna be ok." She snapped.

"Why are you getting so defensive? I'm not gonna push you to talk. I don't ever push you. You know that. I know you're upset. You have every right to be. I'm always gonna care though, regardless. It matters that you're not ok. It matters to me just like it matters to Sam. I know you're hurting and I understand that. Just listen. You don't have to be afraid to talk to me. If it's because you think I'm trying to push you or make a move on you or convince you of something or anything crazy like that while Sam's in a coma, that's not it at all. I just worry. You're a sister to me and I hate seeing you hurting ok? You know where I am if you want to talk. Just please quit shoving me away like I'm a monster." He replied gently yet was clearly frustrated.

"Dean wait." She started as he headed out. "Look, I'm sorry. I just can't get the guilt out of my head, I can't get Sam to wake up, I'm scared for him, I'm still worried about you, I hate making the kids be away from us for so long, I hate everything that happened, I hate that Lucy is dead, I'm not happy anymore, and I just don't even know what to do. I'm sorry, Dean. I wasn't trying to shove you away, just I see all your cuts and it just makes the guilt even worse and I just can't deal with anything right now." She explained.

"I get it. I'm not mad, I just worry. I know things are hard to deal with. Believe me, I do. Hopefully he'll wake up soon. I'm going to go back and lay down. I'm getting kinda tired again." Avery nodded. Once Dean was gone, she put her head in her hands and cried once more. Then she heard Sam's voice. Thinking she was dreaming, she disregarded it. She heard it again and this time picked her head up. His eyes were open and he was awake.

"Doctor! Nurse!" She hollered into the hall. The doctor ran in. "He's awake." They checked his vitals and everything. He seemed to be fine.

"We'll run a CT scan in a few minutes to be sure his brain is ok, but he looks to be doing fine now." The doctor stated. She nodded. Sam was still a little sluggish, but generally was coherent and conscious.

"I should have believed you about Caleb." Sam mumbled.

"Babe, don't even worry about that. How are you feeling? How's your head?"

"It's kinda dizzy and it hurts a little, but I think I'm ok. I don't think I have any memory loss or anything so that's good. How's Dean? How're the kids? How are you?" He asked.

"I'm glad you're feeling ok. Dean's doing much better. He was cut up pretty bad, but he's healed for the most part. Bobby says the kids are fine. They miss us a lot since we've been gone for a while, but they're doing ok. I'm not doing too well for lots of reasons. Did you hear anything I said to you?" She asked.

"Yes. I heard everything. If you want to talk once I'm better, I'm here for you." He replied. She placed a kiss on his lips and he kissed back with equal force. The doctor walked in a few moments later and they wheeled him back to CT. 20 minutes later, the doctor returned with Sam and good news.

"So the swelling went down completely. He didn't suffer any brain injury that was permanent. I'd say it's really miraculous he's not seriously injured. His head's just bruised. I want to keep an eye on him for a few hours and then he'd be free to go. Just let him ice his head on occasion since it hurts him quite a bit. Your friend will be free to go as well." The doctor told Avery.

"Thank you, doctor. For everything."

"Of course. They're both strong fighters. Most people wouldn't have lived through what they did." He replied before walking out. She hung out with Sam for the next couple hours before realizing she hadn't even told Dean yet.

"Babe. Give me a minute. I didn't even tell Dean you were ok." Sam nodded. She walked to Dean's room. "Dean. He's ok. He woke up a couple hours ago. They did another CT and the swelling went down and he has no permanent damage. He's ok. They're monitoring him for a couple more hours before we can all go." She told him. "Sorry I didn't tell you right away. I was distracted with trying to make sure Sam is ok and comfortable and everything."

"It's ok. Thanks for letting me know." He got up out of bed and followed her to Sam's room. "Hiya Sammy. How ya feeling?"

"Not too bad. My head hurts but it's really bruised. How are you?" Sam asked back.

"Better. Not back to 100% yet but definitely better."

"Good." He answered. They hung out for another couple hours before the doctor cleared them to leave. Avery still drove and the guys were ok with that since neither of them felt driving would work out too well. They drove to their hotel to grab their things then they started the trip back to Bobby's. They planned on spending their time recuperating at Bobby's so they'd have nice beds and be able to spend time with the kiddos. They finally got there after a couple of days.

"Hey. Jeez. You guys look bad. Especially you, Sam. Come in." Bobby stated when he opened the door.

"If you need to check, make it quick. Sam's head hurts really bad." Avery stated. He touched them all with silver and splashed some holy water on them. They were clean. Avery led Sam to the couch where he sat and clutched his head. She ran and got him some Tylenol and an ice pack. She sat next to him. Sam leaned his head on Avery's shoulder. He felt really bad but it was just all the bruising. Dean was mostly ok.

"Where are the kiddos?" Dean asked.

"In bed. It's pretty late." Dean nodded.

"As you can see, the werewolf did a number on us." He stated.

"Why isn't Avery hurt?"

"Long story short, the werewolf killed her college roommate, we went after him, he attacked us, he begged for Avery to listen to him since he knew she was friends with her roommate, he said some stuff, and she killed him. He didn't want to hurt us, we just posed a threat." Dean explained simply.

"Gotcha. Why don't you all get some rest? You guys can stay until you're better." They nodded and started to head up. "Avery, can I speak with you?" She nodded.

"Sup Bobby?"

"Three things. 1, Are they really ok? 2, I'm sorry about how things started between us. I never meant to come across like you weren't welcome here. You're always welcome. 3, Thanks for taking care of my boys." He stated calmly.

"Dean is definitely ok. Sam's in a lot of pain but generally ok. And I know that, Bobby. I know you weren't trying to be mean. It's ok. I'm always gonna watch out for them."

"Good. Goodnight. Take good care of those boys. Make sure they sleep." He added.

"I will. Goodnight Bobby." She walked upstairs and climbed in bed with the already asleep Sam. She stroked the hair out of his face and kissed his forehead softly. "I love you baby."

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