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"So how was it staying with my friend John?" Dean asked the kids.

"He's fun. You guys are funner but he's nice." Audrey answered. They chuckled at the fact funner isn't a word.

"Good. Glad you had fun." Dean added. They got back and played with the kids for hours before bed time rolled around. Sam put Audrey to bed since he hadn't talked to her in quite a while.

"You really ok uncle Sammy? You look hurt and sad." She asked quietly.

"Yes. I'm bruised up, but I'm ok. Love you." He replied. She nodded.

"Love you too." He tucked her in then headed to bed. Avery was in the room already picking up glass off the floor. "What happened in here?" He asked.

"I kind of knocked out the shifter and then ran to Dean's room. It fell into the lamp." She explained. Sam nodded in understanding. She finished cleaning it up and they got in bed. It was quiet for a few moments before Sam spoke up.

"Can we talk about what happened?" He asked cautiously.

"Of course, baby. Why couldn't we?" She asked. She wondered why he sounded so cautious. She wasn't mad at all.

"Just you told me not to talk about it once you found me and if you don't want me to, I won't." He stated. He wanted her to be happy.

"Babe, if you want to talk about it, you can. Even though I don't think it's your fault, I'm not gonna prevent you from talking about it." She consoled.

"Ok. So what happened was, Dean and I split up on the hunt because as you saw, there was so much area. One of the shifters we were hunting found me and attacked. I didn't have a chance to call for Dean. I was beaten up then shoved into that room. I only got attacked because I went into a back area that in hindsight looked like a bad idea. It sucked for me too. That room was so small. My back hurts, I was beat up, and scared for you. Then the shifter attacked you when Dean got back. That was one thing I truly dreaded. I'm sorry about that. I hope you know I didn't mean for the shifter to attack you. I hope you know it wasn't me." He told her sadly. He really hoped this didn't change how she saw him.

"Sam, you don't need to be sorry. You checked everywhere you thought to to find the shifters. You didn't know it would be there and you two didn't know there was more than one. You didn't mean for it to attack me and I knew that. Do you need an ice pack for your back by the way?" She started.

"I don't need an ice pack, I'll be ok. I'm just sorry you're hurt." He stated. "Especially that you thought it was me doing it all. I don't know why you aren't mad right now." He honestly felt so bad.

"I'm not mad because I knew it wasn't you. The second you grabbed my wrist before attacking me, I knew you were either possessed or something else. I stuck it out for a few moments hoping it would stop, but when it didn't, I didn't hesitate with knocking it out."

"How could you tell?" He asked.

"Sam, how couldn't I tell? I asked you if you were ok because you had been seeming off since the hunt. You said you were fine and I left it alone for the time being. The next thing I know, it's grabbing my wrist. I asked it to let me go and it didn't. Sam, I knew it wasn't you because I know you'd never lay a hand on me with intent to hurt me. I didn't think for a second it was really you." She explained.

"You trust me that much?" He asked in disbelief.

"Of course, babe. You've never given me any reason to believe you would hurt me. I honestly can't consider that a possibility. The only time I wasn't sure was when Dean went to kill it because if it was possession you would have been killed. " She reiterated.

"Good, cause I don't know, I haven't always treated you fantastically, and I didn't know if you thought maybe it really was me. I couldn't stand the thought of you seeing me differently because of this. I love you babe." He replied.

"I love you too. Don't say that about yourself. You've treated me amazingly since day 1. This isn't your fault. None of it is. Let's get some sleep." She stated. He nodded and they snuggled close. He held her tight. There were a few moments of silence. "I'm sorry, babe. I meant to ask, how are you feeling? You still look beat up."

"Why are you apologizing? And I'm ok. I still hurt a bit but I'm ok."

"I'm apologizing because I didn't ask how you are feeling. Also, you got hurt and I'm sorry you did." She explained.

"You don't need to apologize. I'm feeling ok. I'm just so glad you're ok. I love you." He replied.

"I love you too." Avery fell asleep quickly but Sam wasn't so lucky. He couldn't help but think about everything that had happened. He recalled what the shifter told him as it was tying him up. Sleep did end up conquering eventually and he slept a decent sleep. They woke up in the morning and Avery spoke up.

"Babe, are you ok? I woke up once and saw you were still awake. Do you want to talk about something?" She asked. She was concerned for him and didn't want him to hold things in.

"Um, I guess we can talk about it. Just there's stuff the shifter said and I never should have believed it. You're gonna be mad." He stated. She rubbed his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

"Sam, you know you don't have to talk. I'm not gonna force you to or ask you to. If you don't want to, you don't have to." She consoled.

"I know." He thought about it for a moment then made his decision. "Ok. So, as it was tying me up, it started saying things. Um, it said that I was never gonna be found because you two wouldn't notice I was gone. It said that Dean would try to kill it but wouldn't succeed. It said that it was gonna attack you and try to kill you but it would take its time. It was gonna hurt you then act normal so you'd pull it back in because you would believe that it was me and still love me. It told me that next time I saw you, you'd be dead, the kids would be dead, and so would Dean. It said that if I thought shifters were jerks, then I should meet myself because I'm worse than them. At first I knew it was lying about everything and I was hoping you wouldn't end up dead, but then I couldn't help it. I- I"

"Hey, take your time." She urged.

"I thought about it and I started thinking it was all true. I truly believed every word it said and terrified doesn't even begin to explain how I felt." He explained. She stayed quiet and looked away from him.

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