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Audrey walked up to Dean. "Why's mommy upset?"

"Her friend died, sweetie." Dean explained gently.

"Oh. Can I go see her?"

"I wouldn't, honey. She's really upset and wants to be alone. Maybe later." She nodded and went back to playing with Tristan. Sam heard that Dean was back from talking with Avery and joined him in the main room.

"Hey. How'd it go?" He asked.

"Not great. She feels like it's her fault and she's really upset about it. I don't blame her though. She just wants to be alone and shut us out for a while." He stated.

"I'm gonna go see her." Sam replied before going in. He walked over to her and laid down next to her on the bed.

"Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk." She spoke up as she felt him get in bed.

"I never said you had to talk." Sam stated gently. He just wrapped his arms around her. She clung to his arm and cried once again. "Baby. Baby. It's ok. I'm right here. I know it's hard. Believe me. I'm sure it's so hard. Just listen. It's not your fault. Yes, you called her, but that doesn't mean that's necessarily why she got killed. I'm not gonna try to convince you of anything, just know I don't think it's your fault."

"Maybe it's not, but with what Dean said and the fact she said her boyfriend was there, I'm just scared it is. It's just hard. She was my friend and protected me. I should have listened to Dean and left her alone. Sorry. I'm like crying all over your arm" Avery stated. His arm was now quite wet. She was slipping into a depressive state too, and Sam could tell.

"I understand completely. Don't apologize for crying. You don't need to be sorry. I'm right here, ok? I get it if you want to be alone, but I'm right here for you." Sam consoled. She rolled over to her other side and snuggled closer to Sam. She continued to cry until she was out of tears. He now had a puddle of tears in his shirt but he didn't care. He looked at the clock at one point. It was already 6 pm. They hadn't gotten up for lunch, and Sam was starving. "Avery, honey, I know you're upset and aren't gonna want to, but we both need to eat. We didn't get lunch or breakfast. It's 6."

"It's that late already? Sorry. You've been in here for hours with me." She apologized sadly.

"It's ok. I'm happy to be here for you. There's nothing I'd rather have done all day. If you want, I'll bring you back in something. What do you want?" Sam asked.

"If you still have leftover pizza, I'll take a slice. Otherwise, I'll take whatever." She replied. He nodded. He gave her a kiss then headed out.

"Hey Sam. How's she doing? You've been in there for hours. And what's that stain on your shirt?" Dean asked as he walked out.

"She's not doing too great. She's still really upset. I don't blame her. If I thought I was the reason my friend died, I think I'd be just as upset too. And the stain is her tears. She's been crying for at least the past hour with intermittent crying before then. She's slipping into a depressive state and I'm trying to keep her from falling into a place she can't get out of. I'm just getting some food before I go back in there. Neither of us have had anything all day." Sam explained before going to the fridge. He pulled out the leftover pizza and microwaved a couple of slices. He made himself a sandwich and took both plates to his room with a beer for him and a coke for her.

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