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They pulled up to a hotel. It wasn't nearly as nice as the first time. "Is this ok, babe?" Sam asked cautiously. He knew he did a bad job at picking but he wasn't sure he could rack up any more expensive charges on his scam credit card after all those hospital bills were gonna come flooding in.

"It looks good enough. Don't worry about it. I know we can't afford anything super nice right now." She replied softly.

"No. You know what, we're going somewhere nice. I know we can't totally afford it but we'll make it work." He stated before pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

"Babe, we can stay wherever. It's not a big deal."

"We're going somewhere nice." He drove to a nice hotel quite a ways away and booked a room. It was expensive but he didn't care. They walked in and put their stuff down.

"So what's the plan?" She asked. Sam decided he wanted to plan stuff this time so she didn't have to.

"We're going to get something to eat and then I have something planned." He vaguely told her. He wanted to keep her on the edge of her seat. They went to a fairly cheap restaurant and dug in. The food was good considering the price and they enjoyed a chance to talk. "I love moments like this. Just the two of us, no worries, just together in the moment."

"Me too. So what's the plan now?" She asked. She was so eager to find out what he was doing. Once they were done eating, he led her to a random house on the edge of town. "What's this?"

"Well, I know you've got your history side just like I do. This is an old house that was turned into a museum with various things from the town and places close by. Nothing super awesome, but it's something you and I both like and it's free." He explained. A smile crossed her face. She was beaming. They walked inside hand in hand. They walked all through the house, looking at everything intently. "Not that this is a romantic place, but I love you. I don't tell you that enough and you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you smiling again." He spoke up suddenly. She stopped and looked at him. Desire and love flooded through her thoughts again.

"I love you too." She stated before crashing her lips into his. It was a fiery burst of passion neither one had felt in a while. They had just broken away when a couple across the room spoke up.

"You two are absolutely adorable. How long have you two been married?"

"A little over 11 years." Sam told them.

"That's sweet. He's a keeper." The lady told Avery. She smiled and nodded unsure how to respond.

"Sorry babe. Didn't mean to make it embarrassing." Sam stated apologetically.

"It's fine, Sam." They spent another hour or so there looking around before walking outside into the quickly cooling air. It was getting late and Avery was starving. "You wanna get something to eat?" She asked.

"Sure. There's a bakery just up the street. I heard they have good food." He replied. They walked up to the counter.

"I placed an order earlier. The name's Winchester." Sam stated. He was going to pay with cash so using their name didn't matter. They walked outside with a bag full of whatever he ordered.

"What's going on, Sam?" She asked. She was confused and wasn't always big on surprises to begin with.

"Shh. No more questions. Just follow me." He stated. She obeyed and walked with him wherever he was heading. After walking for a few blocks, they came upon a park. It wasn't full of hills, but there was a place with a large enough open space that you could see miles in all directions. They sat down on the soft lush grass and he set the bag down. "Ok. They're just sandwiches. That's not what's important about this."

"Then what is?" She asked. He was being so vague and she kept getting confused. He paused for a few moments before the moment he was waiting for finally happened.

"That." The lone clouds moved slightly to the left and the most beautiful sunset was instantly visible. It lit the whole sky in a brilliant array of oranges, purples, and reds.

"Sammy." She stated in her state of awe. "How'd you even know what time the sunset was?"

"I googled that. I ordered the food when I had a chance at some point." He explained. She nodded but her eyes never left the sunset. Not long after, it slowly faded and they were both surrounded by a blanket of darkness, the only light being the moon and stars. They laid down and looked up at the stars together. "I love you babe." He said as he kissed her forehead.

"I love you too. Question... Why all the romance all of a sudden? That's not like you." She asked.

"Things are hard for you lately. You've been dealing with a ton. You just killed someone, you're worried about us, you saw us get hurt, the kids were upset that we were gone, you've got a lot on your plate. I love you so much and I wanted to make this nice for you." He explained softly.

"Things have been hard. You don't have to try too hard to make this nice though. Just being with you is amazing. I love spending time with you." She replied.

"I've got everything planned out the way I want for tomorrow and everything. It's no trouble for me to do any of this for you." She nodded and looked back up at the stars. She started to doze and Sam looked down at her with a smile. He woke her up and they got up to go back to the hotel. Avery was suddenly freezing. She never seemed to have her jacket when she needed it. Sam placed his around her shoulders. They walked together to the hotel and snuggled in bed.

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