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They walked into their room and were pleasantly surprised at how nice it was. There was a queen bed that was actually comfortable and the room itself looked quite clean. They went to a moderately priced restaurant and ate some nice lunch. They had a chance to just talk and be themselves. Both Sam and Avery felt like it was as if they were dating all over again. It was nothing but in the moment love and bliss. After lunch, they headed back to the hotel and rented a bunch of movies on the tv and hung out and watched them.

"I'm really enjoying this, babe. Just hanging out and enjoying each other's company." Avery spoke up during one of the movies.

"Me too. It's really nice. I'm glad you suggested it." Sam replied. They went back to watching the movie. As it got late, Avery snuggled close. Sam noticed as she started to fall asleep and wrapped her tightly in his arms. He couldn't help but think of how lucky he was. He thought back to how he felt when they were dating and realized the same feeling was always present. Suddenly her phone went off and she woke up.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey. It's Dean. I can't get Audrey to sleep. She just won't sleep because you're gone." He explained.

"Do you need us to come back?" She asked.

"No. I just don't know what to do." He replied. He didn't want to ruin their weekend.

"Give her the phone and I'll see if I can get her to sleep." She asked of him. He did just that. Audrey's tears were evident through the phone. "Audrey, honey. You need to get some sleep. I'll be back on Sunday just like I promised."

"But I miss you. I can't sleep when you're not here. I'm not used to being without my mom."

"Audrey, you need to sleep. I'm not that far from you. I'm only 20 minutes away. What if I sang to you? Would that help? It used to help Tristan all the time." She asked, hoping it would help so she could get back in bed with Sam.


"Ok. Give the phone back to Dean."

"Dean, I'm gonna sing to her to get her to sleep like I used to do to Tristan. Can you put it on speaker?" She asked. He did.

"Ok. You're all set up. Audrey, promise me that if she sings to you, then you'll try to sleep. Please." Dean begged, audibly exhausted.

"I promise I'll try." Avery began singing Brahm's lullaby to her because the tones were soothing and it always did a number on Tristan.

Lullaby and good night, with roses bedight,
With lilies o'er spread is baby's wee bed.
Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed.
Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed.

Lullaby and good night, thy mother's delight.
Bright angels beside my darling abide.
They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast.
They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast.

She repeated it a couple of times before Dean picked the phone back up and took it off of speaker.

"First off, dang you can sing. Second, she's out. Thanks for doing that. Sorry to ruin your weekend. I know you left to get away from all of us and I didn't want to have to bring you back in."

"Dean, don't worry about it. You didn't ruin anything. I'm happy to help. It's not like we were trying to get away from you. We just wanted a date weekend basically."

"I get it. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She hung up and climbed back in bed.

"She fall asleep?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. She's out." Avery replied. She snuggled back up with Sam. "I think tomorrow, we should wander around town and just look at the little shops. I'm not saying we'll get anything, just look around. Unless you want to do something else. It's totally up to you, Sam."

"That's fine. I was thinking that myself." He replied. She nodded and fell asleep in a flash.

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