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Sam fell asleep quickly, but Avery couldn't. She kept thinking about the hunt and about leaving the kids with Bobby. He seemed nice but he also seemed like he wanted to hurt her. She just wasn't sure. About 3am she decided on going downstairs to get a drink and clear her head. As she got up, Sam woke up.

"Where are you going babe?" He asked sleepily.

"I'm just gonna go get a drink. I can't really sleep. I'll be ok. Just go back to sleep." She insisted.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes." She nodded. She walked downstairs hoping the sound of her bare feet on the wood floors wouldn't wake anybody up. She passed by the drunk Bobby asleep in the chair and went to the kitchen. She grabbed a beer and went and sat on the porch out back. It was freezing and she was cold but she had a chance to think.

Dean walked down the steps and went to the kitchen like he usually did when he couldn't sleep. He knew he was fully stocked with beer. As he drank his beer he noticed Avery on the porch freezing cold. He grabbed his jacket and joined her.

She heard the door open but didn't turn. She was lost in thought. Dean sat next to her. "What are you up at 3am for? It's freezing out here." He asked.

"I could ask you the same question." She stated with a shiver. He gave her his jacket.

"Seriously. Why are you up? Isn't Sam worried?" He asked with concern present.

"He knows I went to get a drink. I can't sleep." She replied straightly. "I can't stop thinking about this hunt or wondering if we can trust to leave the kids here."

"We can trust Bobby. He was just really overwhelmed and that's why he was so extra harsh with testing you. He's not normally like that. This guy raised us like we were his own when our dad was gone on hunts. There's no one I'd trust the kids with more than him. And I know this hunt is super hard for you. It'll be ok. We'll find out who killed Lucy and why. Is there something you want to talk about? If it will help you sleep, I'm all ears." Dean told her.

"I'll be ok. Just worried. I figured I'd come down and clear my head. Question though... I'm not a hunter. What am I gonna be doing with you guys on this hunt? I don't want to end up getting you two killed."

"You'll come with us on it and you'll help us. I've seen you before, you can defend yourself pretty well. Just stay alert. Don't worry so much about the details of the hunt. We'll work on that when the time comes. In the meantime, go back to bed. You need to sleep." Dean replied. He knew she was upset but wanted her to get some rest.

"You too, Dean." She finished her beer, gave him his jacket back, then headed upstairs. She climbed back in bed.

"You ok? You seem upset." Sam asked as she climbed in. He hadn't fallen back asleep since she got up.

"I'm ok. Just worried about everything. I was talking to Dean though. He happened to be up getting a drink too. I'll be ok. Let's just get some sleep." She snuggled close to Sam and fell asleep.

They got up in the morning and everyone joined each other downstairs. "So I guess we're heading out." Dean stated with a yawn.

"How late were you up, Dean?" Avery asked upon seeing his yawn.

"Until a couple hours ago. I'm used to it. Don't worry." Avery nodded but had no idea why he was having such trouble sleeping.

"Ok. Audrey, Tristan. We're heading out. Be good and listen to Bobby. I promise he's a good guy." Avery told them. They both nodded and gave everyone their hugs. Bobby said goodbye to the boys and the three of them left.

They drove for hours before stopping for another night at a hotel. They hadn't stopped for dinner so they could get as far as possible in one drive. Sam left to get food once they were at the hotel.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked me about it." Dean spoke up.

"About what?" Avery asked. She was confused.

"About why I didn't sleep much." He explained.

"You told me you're used to it and not to worry. So I'm not. Should I be?" Avery replied.

"It's not a big deal. Just lately, I've been thinking a lot about stuff and have had trouble sleeping. I'm not upset just overwhelmed and worried about you and other stuff." Dean stated with a hint of sadness.

"Do you want to talk to Sam and I? I'm not trying to get you to sit around and talk about your feelings, I just want you to be able to sleep again." She offered.

"When Sam comes back, sure. I hate chick flick moments, but I really just want to be able to sleep." She nodded. Sam came back with food and after they ate, Avery spoke up.

"Sam, Dean wants to talk about what's going on. He's been overwhelmed and having trouble sleeping."

"Ok. Go for it, Dean." Sam stated.

"Ok. So just a lot's happened over the past couple weeks and I don't know what to do anymore. Jen still hits me hard. Harder than it should. Audrey's in my life now but I don't know how to be a dad. Bringing up dad reopened some wounds. I'm worried about you, Avery. I'm not sure how we're gonna make this family life work with hunts. Every waking moment, I can't stop thinking about Jen and Audrey. I can't get the memories out of my head. I can't sleep and it's driving me crazy." Dean explained. He hated talking about his feelings but did so anyways.

"Dean. Look, it may have been years ago, but when you're as in love as you were, it's gonna hurt for a while. You'll be a great dad to Audrey. You already are despite what you think. We'll figure it out with hunts. One of us can stay with the kids on hunts that aren't too hard. We'll take it a hunt at a time. Don't feel bad about having memories resurface. It happens to everyone. As much as I don't want to, I still get memories of Jess sometimes." Sam replied.

"Like Sam said, it's gonna hurt for a while. Relationships hurt to the core. Trust me. You're an amazing dad to Audrey by the way. She loves you to death and does everything to please you. You're really good with her. About the hunts, other than this one and unless you need backup, I'll watch the kids. It'll work out. Now, last thing. Why are you so worried about me?" Avery asked.

"This hunt is super personal for you. I don't want you to get in too deep. Just a couple days ago, you were crying your eyes out. I just don't want to see you hurting." Dean explained.

"I know. I'll be ok. It's not super late, but why don't you get some sleep, Dean? You need it." She stated as he yawned again. He nodded and climbed in his bed.

"Thanks for listening. I'm hoping talking will help me sleep better. I'm so tired. It's just pretty overwhelming with all that's going on." He added as he laid down.

"Of course, Dean." She set an alarm on her phone and laid down in bed with Sam.

"You ok?" Sam whispered.

"Not totally ok, but generally, yes."

"Ok. You know you can talk to me any time." He replied.

"I know." They fell asleep quickly and slept peacefully.

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