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"So, here's what's up. Jen apologized for everything. She missed me and didn't call because she was scared of me being mad. She also said she needed me and that she couldn't live without me. She still loves Audrey and cares about her." Dean started. "We went back and forth about missing each other and all the divorce stuff, but then she told me about something that happened. When Audrey was really little, she was dating someone after the divorce and everything. She was abused physically and emotionally and was bruised for months. She was so upset and felt alone and lost and still isn't totally ok. She wanted to call me but was scared and didn't know if she could still talk to me about stuff. She was being 100% sincere and was genuinely upset. She wants me back and I don't know what to do." He explained.

"Dean, that's a tough choice. You shouldn't base this on how much she needs you. This needs to be based on how much you love her and what's best for Audrey. I'm not trying to make up your mind. I'm just telling you what I think." Avery told him gently.

"I agree. I know she's upset and I can tell it hurts you to see her upset, but upset or not, this is about love. We're cool with either choice." Sam added.

"Thanks. Do you think Audrey is old enough to pick which family she wants to be with to help me make a better choice. I'm not leaving her either way." He asked.

"I'd say if you explain what's going on, she's old enough." Avery replied. Dean nodded and went to Tristan's room.

"Hey, can I talk to Audrey for a bit?" Tristan nodded. He went with Audrey to her room.

"Sup daddy?" She asked.

"We need to talk."

"Is it about mommy?" She asked sadly.

"Yes it's about Jen." She nodded. "Listen, I have to make a choice. Either I get back together with your mom and you and I move in with her, or I don't get back together with her and we stay here. This isn't only your choice but you get a say in this. Which would you be happiest I did?" He asked gently. She contemplated for a few moments.

"Would I get to visit everyone here?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"I want you to get back with mom. I'd be happiest if you did that." She stated.

"Ok. Thanks kiddo." She went back to Tristan's room. Dean got up and walked out. He started walking past the couch to go outside and clear his head when Avery stopped him.

"Dean? What happened?" She asked. Tears began flowing at a rate that was faster than he expected or wanted. "Dean?" She got up and wrapped him in a hug.

"She wants me to get back together with Jen. If I do, we'd be moving in with her because I don't think her being here again is a good idea. I-I can't leave you two alone. I can't leave Tristan, I can't leave this life, I can't leave everything I know. I don't want to. I can't leave you, Sam. You're my little brother and I'm never gonna leave you and I don't ever want to. I can't leave you either Avery, because frankly you're the reason I'm ok with all we deal with. You're my best friend and a sister to me. I can't bear to hurt you or make you as mad as you're gonna be if I do. I don't really want to get back with her now that I think about it, but I can't make Audrey unhappy. I just can't." He cried out.

"Dean. Listen to me. If you left us, we would not be mad at you. Not for a second. But look, if being with Jen makes you unhappy then don't do it. It's your choice." Avery consoled.

"But I need to make Audrey happy. She's the priority."

"Sometimes your happiness has to come first." Sam added.

"Daddy?" Audrey asked from behind him with tears falling. He turned to look at her. He crouched down to her level.


"If you don't want to get back with mommy, you don't have to. You asked what would make me happier but mom made me happy because I hadn't seen her in so long. I don't want to leave Sam and my mommy here. I don't want to leave Tristan. You don't have to leave. I don't want to either." She told him as she cried.

"You mean it?" He asked, still unsure.

"Yes. I love you daddy." She wrapped him in a big hug. He picked her up and held her as they both cried. Once her tears stopped, she wiped his away as he had always done to her.

"I love you too, kiddo." Once Audrey was done crying, she went back to play. Sam let Avery have a moment with Dean since she'd be more help. "Avery, don't lie to me. I know you were upset and mad I was thinking about leaving. I know you were."

"What do you want me to say? It was your choice. I wouldn't have been mad. Upset, yes, but mad, no. I didn't want to lose you either. I've gone to you with a lot and I didn't want to lose that. I love you and you really are a brother to me. I didn't want to lose you and I don't know that I'd be able to deal with it if you had left. It was your choice not mine though, so I wouldn't have been mad. How are you gonna tell Jen?" She asked.

"I knew you were upset and I didn't want to hurt you or Sam. I don't know how to tell her. I can't bear to break her heart." He stated.

"I can tell her. I'll be gentle." She suggested.

"You'd do that?" He asked in astonishment.

"Of course. Do you want me to?" She asked. 

"No. I'll do it." She rubbed his shoulder seeing as he was still upset. "I swear I'm not mad you considered leaving. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a hard choice."

"I'm glad you're not mad. It's just hard to choose." He replied.

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