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"Avery, she's pretty much ok now." Dean said. There was a long pause. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me?" She asked. "I'm not the one who needs to be apologized to."

"You trust me to stay alone with the kids. I hurt them both. I wasn't who you needed me to be while you were gone and I'm sorry. You trusted me and I broke that. I decided we're laying off of hunting for at least a while so there won't be research so hopefully I can make it up to you and the kids."

"Dean, you don't need to apologize to me. I said I wasn't mad. There's nothing to make up to me. Don't beat yourself up about this. I was just informing you of what happened. I know you didn't notice that you upset them and it's ok." She stated. "I'm going to bed." He nodded. As she walked past him, he stopped her and gave her a quick hug. "I'm sorry for the mess you've dealt with. You deserve far better."

"It's ok." She replied and walked into her room.

"Hey. How'd things go?"

"Ok. Just Audrey felt really abandoned all week because he was doing research a lot. Everything is ok now though. I really just want to relax and not have to think about or deal with stuff." She explained.

"Glad things are ok. I got you something today by the way." She looked at him expectantly. "It's cheesy but I feel like it will help you when you're upset and help you remember that I love you to death no matter what." He pulled it out from under the bed. "I know sometimes having something comforting to hold when you're upset can help." She looked at it with a weird look on her face that Sam couldn't decipher. "Sorry. It's stupid and cheesy. I-"

"No. I love it. Thanks for trying to help me. That's a great song and your love is all I need. I love you."

"I love you too." He stated before pausing. "You sure you like it? You had a weird look on your face when I pulled it out."

"Yeah. It just kinda sucks that things have been so hard to where you have a reason to get me that. I love it though. Can I still cuddle with you when I'm upset though? You're way more comforting than a blanket. I'll still use it, but you know what I mean." Sam nodded in understanding. "Of course you can still cuddle with me. I'm right here." She scooted close to him and laid her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She lost a couple tears on his chest as she tried to sleep.

"Babe, it'll be ok. I promise no hunts or research for at least a couple weeks. Just relax. I'm right here with you and I'm never going anywhere. Shh. Shh. It's ok." She nodded. He gently stroked her hair as she laid on his chest. She loved the way it felt to be laying with him and once the tears ceased to fall, she fell asleep quickly.

Sam couldn't help but look down at her sleeping form and see a sad and broken girl. He hated seeing her that way. She deserved love and happiness and nothing less. He felt so bad for her. Her whole life had been disappointment and he knew it was starting to be that way again. He continued to stroke the hair from her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I love you baby." He fell asleep himself.

Dean woke to a knock on his door. It was Audrey. "What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked groggily.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked, already anticipating a no.


"I've just missed you. I was at Bobby's while you were hunting and then when we got back you ignored me and I just miss my daddy." She cried out. He wrapped her in a hug.

"Of course you can stay with me. I'm so sorry I've hurt you." He stated apologetically. She just nodded. She climbed in with him.



"I'm sorry I'm so upset about you doing research so much. I know it's your job. I just miss you. I miss getting your hugs and you playing with me and you actually talking to me. I know mommy is upset too but I just want a daddy. I'm not a little kid but I still missed you." She explained.

"Don't be sorry, honey. It is my job but I need to be taking care of you and a good daddy to you. I love to hug you so any time you want one, just ask. I'll try to play with you more. Mommy is just upset about some stuff. It's not about you though. I'm sorry I've been a bad dad who makes you miss me. I love you. I hope you know that." He stated. He had seriously hurt Audrey.

"I know you love me. I love you too. I'm not mad at you. I just miss you."

"I miss you too. Let's get some sleep kiddo. It's late." She nodded and snuggled up next to him. He wrapped his arm around her and they fell asleep.

Audrey woke up in the morning and was happy to see he was still holding her close. She was so comforted. She wasn't tired anymore so she started to get up. She gave Dean a little hug and got up without waking him. Avery was up already but it appeared that the guys were both still asleep.

"Mommy? Why are you up?" She asked. Avery turned around.

"Hey Audrey, I couldn't really sleep anymore. Why are you up?" She asked. Audrey should get more sleep than she did.

"Same reason. Are you ok? You've been upset a lot recently."

"I'm ok. Just a lot has happened. I'm starting to feel a little better though." She really did. It was just taking time.

"Good." She gave her a hug then went to play with toys in her room. The days drug on but Avery was slowly becoming more ok. Things were great actually. Hunts went well, the kids were happy again, Avery and Sam were perfect around each other, Dean was happier, no tears were shed for months and things were looking up.

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